wy News | PRESS

Torrington Telegraph — Valentine Card Ride set for February 1

…………members of the Southeast Wyoming Pony Express Association will carry those cards horseback from Guernsey to Hartville,  Read More

wy News | PRESS

The Guernsey Gazette — Annual Valentine card ride set for Feb. 1

………..thanks to the local Pony Express group who conduct a Valentine card ride each year. The program works like this: you prepare your Valentine cards in the normal manner—address them and put the required postage on the envelope; then take them to the post office in Hartville, Guernsey, Wheatland, Fort Laramie, Lingle or Torrington, and … Continued

mo News | PRESS

kq2.com — Pony Express Museum receives new artifact

(ST. JOSEPH, Mo.) Every year it seems like the Pony Express Museum is receiving a new artifact or piece of history, and to start 2025, the museum received its first donation. Recently, Suzanne Lehr of Voices of the Past, gifted an original photo of James Benjamin “Bean” Hamilton who was an original Pony Express Rider.  … Continued

ne News | PRESS

Gothenburg Leader — Paying Homage to Old West History

Sending Christmas cards and letters catching friends and family up on the past year’s life events is an annual tradition for many. Residents of Brady, Gothenburg, and Cozad are given an opportunity each year to participate in an event to make that tradition even more special. For about 14 years now members of the Nebraska … Continued


wy News | PRESS

Green River Star — Delivering Christmas cheer

Santa always joins the Wyoming division of the Pony Express to help deliver Christmas cards,  Read More….

wy News | PRESS

Cowboy State Daily — Santa Also Delivers Official Mail Through Wyoming With The Pony Express

Santa Claus spent part of Saturday delivering Christmas cards from Green River to Rock Springs, Wyoming. The Jolly Old Elf was an honorary Pony Express rider, delivering official U.S. mail.   Read More….

nv News | PRESS

Carsonnow.org — Pony Express Christmas Card Ride

Saturday 12/14/24 the Nevada Division of the Pony Express will leave Benson’s Feed with a mochila full of Christmas cards. The group will ride south to the main Post Office on Roop St……………   Read More….

mo News | PRESS

kq2.com — Pony Express rider carries Santa letters from Felix Park to the post office

(ST. JOSEPH, Mo.) The Pony Express accepted Santa letters at Felix Park before sending them off with a rider to the post office.    Read More….  

wy News | PRESS

Sweetwaternow.com — Pony Express Saddles Up for 23rd Annual Christmas Card Ride

SWEETWATER COUNTY — The Sweetwater County Pony Express will host their 23rd annual Christmas card ride on Saturday, Dec. 14. The cards will be carried on horseback from the Green River Post Office to the Rock Springs Post Office.  Read More….

ne News | PRESS

Gothenburg Leader — A Leap Into History: Immortalizing Pony Express

A life-sized horse and Pony Express rider will soon be a reality in Gothenburg. Artist and sculptor Linda Egle of Thedford is working on the project with a completion date estimated to be in the spring of 2025. Gothenburg will be host to the 2026 National Pony Express Convention.  Read More….