Waiting for the mail...exchange...go!

FROM: Patsy Lange
June 25th, 2018 PDT

Jamie Marvidakis waiting for Beverly Hefferman to bring the mail in Beverly dismounting from her ride. 6/25/18 near Fairfield, UT Beverly & Jamie mochila exchange 6/25/18 near Fairfield, UT Jamie Marvidakis 6/25/18 near Fairfield, Utah

Enjoyable Ride in Utah, Included Wild Horse Band!

FROM: Patsy Lange
June 25th, 2018 PDT

I had a very enjoyable, pleasant ride. My first ride was about 6 Mi west of Fairfield. The first mile was on a frontage road then on to Five Mile Pass that also was a frontage road right off of the highway. I was surprised and felt honored at at least five or six cars that pulled over to watch everybody had a camera, that was exciting. The temperature was great and the high 70s a slight breeze so it was very comfortable for me and my paint mare Blaze, Continue Reading


Utah riders at Camp Floyd and between Faust & Lookout Pass

FROM: Leo E. Morin, USAF Ret.
June 13th, 2017 PDT

And yet another great job by the voluminous number of riders, ponies and support staff, especially through the blowing sand and high winds (forecasted to be as high as 60mph gusts in parts of Utah)! My photos were taken on 6/11/17 at Stagecoach Inn/Camp Floyd and on the Pony Express Trail between Faust and Lookout Pass. I was my pleasure to briefly meet National President Dean Atkin and Utah President Mike Robison at Stagecoach Inn/Camp Floyd. Thanks to Dean for checking the hotline recording and providing me with a National, Continue Reading

Utah Team #3 Report

FROM: Patrick Hearty
June 12th, 2017 PDT

Utah’s Team #3 may be the smokin’est group on the trail.  With 18 riders, we carried the mochila across Utah’s west desert from Simpson Springs, in the dark and through a punishing south wind (some riders had to take creative routes home on Monday, as the winds had blown several semi’s over and I-80 in Skull and Tooele Valleys was closed).  We ran 47 2-mile segments, which calculates out at about 94 miles, and did it in 9 hours and 15 minutes.  Can’t say enough thanks to the riders, our, Continue Reading

More reporting from Utah

FROM: Patsy Lange
June 11th, 2017 PDT

We were headed up Big Mountain when just a few feet off the road a big doe ran up the embankment and just behind her were twin fawns. They still had their spots, couldn’t have been more than a month old. They had to lunge to get up the hill but finally made it. We could not get a camera in time to take a picture, but such a great sight! We saw several other deer along the road on the way to the top of Big Mountain.

Mail in Fairfield, Utah at 4pm UTC, right on time.

FROM: Sandy Riet
June 11th, 2017 PDT

Report from Utah

FROM: Patsy Lange
June 11th, 2017 PDT

We got to our second ride about an hour early, at the head of East Canyon Lake. As we were having a sandwich a couple of deer ran across the road, down to get a drink probably. A couple of minutes later, four of them came out of the brush and started walking towards the truck. They got within 20 feet of us, turned toward the lake and then up the other side and up the hill. My daughter, Jamie Marvidakis and I had a super ride along the lake,, Continue Reading

Antelopes and receiving the mail from Wyoming

FROM: Patsy Lange
June 11th, 2017 PDT

On our way to the Wyoming border, just past Wahsatch Exit, an antelope crossed in front of us. It turned and started running right toward the truck. Just before it almost was going to ram us head on I turned out the lights and it barely missed us and kept on running past us . This was 1:30 AM. We got to Wyoming border about 1:45 AM, the Pony was 1hr 45 minutes late. Jamie Marvidakis took 1st ride on JoJo, I took the mail on Blaze and headed back, Continue Reading


Full Moon Helps Pony Re-Riders

FROM: Patsy Lange, Utah NPEA
June 20th, 2016 PDT

In looking at Team 2, Utah Division pictures that Jamie Marvidakis posted, and also Beverly Heferman posted; everyone looks like they are having a fantastic re-ride in the Western Utah Desert, from Ibapah to Simpson Springs! We had an energetic and enthusiastic team this year, everyone pitched in and did their best to make up as much time as we could (and did pick up an hour of lost time). We had a pretty bright moon most of the night that really helped, a few clouds for 2-3 hours, but, Continue Reading

Pony rider travels 2 miles in 5 1/2 minutes!

FROM: Patrick Hearty, Utah NPEA
June 19th, 2016 PDT

Utah’s Team 3 carried the mail from Simpson Springs to Murray Park in Salt Lake Valley, and man, did they do it right. Team 1 picked up an hour coming across the desert at night, and Team 3 picked up another half hour between Simpson and Eagle Mountain. After that, you do not gain any time, as all rides are on city streets with pavement, traffic, etc. But on the first half, we had Pony Express riders of the highest order. Trever Carpenter left Simpson and rode 2 miles in, Continue Reading