The name of the game was weather-the nasty kind!

FROM: Mary Cone, Trail Captain, Keith County, Nebraska
June 19th, 2014 PDT

The 2014 Re-Ride of the Pony Express will be a memory to long remember for the Keith County, Nebraska Re-Riders!! The name of the game was weather-the nasty kind!   You’ve read previously about the Colorado Riders coming through the tornado warning, rain, lightning, hail, wind………wow, I don’t know how they did it!! And in the dark, no less. Great job, Colorado!   As our group’s ride time approached, we were making phone calls, trying to figure out when to gather, waiting out the tornado warnings in a safe place., Continue Reading

Riding through rain and sleet at times

FROM: Adam Bolek, Nebraska NPEA
June 19th, 2014 PDT

Received the mail 45 min early from the Colorado riders (1245 am Mnt) due to some of our riders being held up due to area storms (tornado’s, wind, heavy rain and hail) the pony left Big Springs ahead of schedule. Riders had to ride in rain and sleet at times. While others stopped along the way clearing tree debris off the roads so we could get rigs and ponies through. Due to the heavy rain and road conditions it forced us to change our path of travel but all riders, Continue Reading


2013 ride near Bridgeport Nebraska

FROM: Troy Bryan
June 23rd, 2013 PDT

I put up a youtube video of the 2013 ride near Bridgeport Nebraska.  

The sun shining and a light breeze

FROM: Debbie Hill, Jefferson County NE Pony Express Re-Ride
June 22nd, 2013 PDT

With the sun shining and a light breeze it was a beautiful morning for a ride on the 2nd day of the 2013 Pony Express Re-Ride. These pictures were taken at the Tri-County Marker on the Nebraska/Kansas border just north of Hanover, KS by Gary Heit and Dylan Au-Tegethoff. Gary 16. Jefferson County Nebraska Pony Express Riders are visiting while waiting for the Washington County Kansas Pony Express Riders at the Kansas/Nebraska border. From left to right: Nebraska Pony Express Assoc. President Lyle Gronewold, Chris Riggle, Brenda Riggle, Kenny Riggle, Kolby Garret, Continue Reading

The Pony and mochila arrived south of Paxton, Nebraska

FROM: Mary Cone, National Pony Express Assn Insurance Coordinator/Trail Captain
June 19th, 2013 PDT

The Pony and mochila arrived south of Paxton, Nebraska at 5:57pm MDT, running about a half-hour late. The weather was warm, in the 80’s and very windy, 20-30mph out of the south. A few clouds danced in the sky to offer occasional shade. President Jim Swigart and wife Ginger arrived prior to the Pony and Jim administered the NPEA oath to the riders. Angie took off, heading into the west in a cloud of dust. She, Adam, Bill, Kristy, Howard, Donna, Mary Dale, Don, Russell and Mary then took turns, Continue Reading

What a crew!

FROM: Ginger Swigart
June 19th, 2013 PDT

More Trail Pictures: What a crew! This was taken in Henry just before Nebraska delivered the mail to Wyoming. 2. The exchange from Nebraska to Wyoming. 3. Future Pony Rider. 4. Pony Riders. 5. This is one of the teams in Nebraska just before being sworn in to start their ride. (Note from Mary Cone: here are the names of the riders, taken south of Paxton, Nebraska, left to right: Mary Dale, Bill, Mary, Howard, Angie, Adam)

All is well!

FROM: Ginger Swigart
June 18th, 2013 PDT

Spending the night in Gothenburg NE. I have attached pictures from St. Joe the swearing in and Gary speaking to the crowd. In Kanas I included a picture of the riders coming into Seneca. The town of Seneca had a big event for the riders. Closed off the street and it was an all day event. In Nebraska today is a picture of many of the riders meeting in the town of Oak NE. All is well!