Reriding with the Pony Express

FROM: Marjorie Daley
June 21st, 2015 PDT

Reriding with the Pony Express Marjorie Daley The Pony Express, for all its short lifespan, holds a mythical place in western history. For eighteen months, riders for the Pony Express carried mail from St. Joseph, Missouri to Sacramento, California and back, in ten days, galloping their way across the Great American Desert, evading Indians, robbers, snow, and all the other hardships the west could dish out. It was eventually replaced by the telegraph and railroad and the stations faded into memory and the riders into obscurity. Every June since 1977,, Continue Reading

Mail Arrives in Jeffry City

FROM: Les Bennington, Wyoming NPEA
June 20th, 2015 PDT

Last night we were about 3 hours late getting into Jeffry City, but made up good time and left Farson 1 hour late. Had to change the GPS batteries. Seem they only last about 24 hours. We had two Wyoming riders hurt last night. One was taken to the Riverton Hospital and the other to the Casper Hospital with a concussion. Both are better this morning. One was bucked off his horse when attempting to load the mochilla. His horse was calmed down, the mochilla was placed on his wife’s, Continue Reading


Thank You Sweetwater County Re-Riders!

FROM: Carl Schultz, Sweetwater County, Wyoming
June 21st, 2014 PDT

I know that this may be a little late,but I feel that we need to recognize the riders that took the time to carry the mail across Sweetwater County. We received the mail at 9:15 am on Monday June 16th from the Uinta group. The first rider received the Mochilla and we were off and running. The second rider was not able to make the ride so we did the usual, we adapted and improvised. We headed for Farson in hopes of making up some time. With the help of, Continue Reading

We all consider it an honor to be a part of this event commemorating our past and advancing the legacy

FROM: Vicki Hood of Guernsey, WY
June 18th, 2014 PDT

The group from Southeast Wyoming picked up the mail from the Douglas riders at Glendo and headed out about 9:20 p.m. Tuesday. Elana Herr made her first official Pony Express ride as she covered the first leg out of Glendo. The moon was about 3/4 full, some wind, lightning in the distance and partly cloudy skies made for cool riding but we all stayed dry!   The mail was exchanged at Register Cliff (Nine Mile House) around 2:40 a.m. Wednesday and the riders headed toward Fort Laramie. The riders made, Continue Reading

One of best re-rides our group has had

FROM: Ron Atkinson, Uinta County Wyoming Ride Captain
June 17th, 2014 PDT

Had one of best re-rides our group has had. Received the mail from Utah approx. 3 hours ahead of schedule. This really starts the wheels in motion. I had scheduled riders to be at state line 1 1/2 hours early. This caught us off guard and the scramble was on. Started getting riders at state line and we headed out at 12;55. Sky was over cast part time so no moon.All riders were at their assigned rides so ride went effortlessly. Near perfect riding conditions, what a fun day it, Continue Reading


Casper, Wyoming

FROM: John Chaney
July 1st, 2013 PDT

Photos from Casper, Wyoming Susan Apel leaving Fort Caspar Wyoming. Les Bennington coming into the Casper Wyoming Interpretive Center. Liddy and John Chaney west of Casper Wyoming.

Run Pony Run

FROM: John and Missy Harris,Sweetwater County, Wyoming
June 23rd, 2013 PDT

This was our twelth year riding with the Pony Express. In the weeks before the ride our mule broke my hand and I was going to be unable to ride. Disappointment was mingled with fear for my husband. His horse can be unpredictable, at best, if ridden alone. I attempted to find someone to ride my fairly head-strong mustang but that also didn’t end well. In the end it would be John and Dark Moon Rising, aka Giraffe, 15 year old breeding stock paint, with our daughter, Emily who is, Continue Reading

Sweetwater County, Wyoming

FROM: Howard Schultz, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, Ride Captain
June 22nd, 2013 PDT

We just picked up mail at Atlantic City at seven thirty Mountain standard Time. Headed to Farson trying to make up as much time as we can. Thank you.

The Interpretive Center in Casper WY.

FROM: Ginger Swigart
June 21st, 2013 PDT

As I send this WY is riding through the night. The good news is no big problems. If the mail is behind, some how it seems to work out. The opportunity to follow the re-ride has been amazing. The riders are so committed to getting the Mochilla handed off on time. The comradely in the states and between the states is evident. I have seen the riders pull together when they hear a ride captain has been in a major accident, experienced a fall, or a serious illness. The events, Continue Reading

Independence Rock

FROM: Jay Jenson, Central Wyoming Ride Captain
June 21st, 2013 PDT

The rider is approximately five miles east of Independence Rock. We’re running about fifteen minutes behind time right now but everything is looking good. Got good weather everybody’s having a great day out here little bit of breeze. So it makes a little bit cooler and it’s at eight eight five ninety degrees thanks.