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Lost Skills of the Pony Express

A Brief Chapter By the mid-1800s, the population of California had exploded. Residents were eager to correspond with connections back east, but communication required incredible patience; mail delivery took a month by boat or overland stage. By the late 1850s, a trio of enterprising freighting firm owners supported the idea of an express overland mail … Continued


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Pony Express stamps make splash in high-dollar collections

Pony Express stamps make splash in high-dollar collections Watch the Video

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On The Golden Anniversary Of The National Trails System

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the National Trails System Act of 1968. Among his conservation credentials, President Lyndon Johnson voiced the significance of trails. In his February, 1965 address to Congress, President Johnson stated, “In the back country we need to copy the great Appalachian Trail in all parts of America, and to … Continued

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Why the Short-Lived Pony Express Still Fascinates Us

In its day, the Pony Express was like the Twitter or Facebook of the mid-1800s: a means of communication that could move information across the North American continent faster than ever before, though it was powered by horses. Read More …

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How the Pony Express linked an isolated SF to the country

The Pony Express, the short-lived mail service whose daring young riders and tireless horses raced back and forth across 2,000 miles of a mostly unexplored continent, fired the imagination of the entire country. But it may have had the greatest emotional resonance in San Francisco. Read More …  

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NPEA 2018 Pony Express Re-Ride News Release

2018 Ride News Release

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How The Pony Express Galloped Into History

The Pony Express only lasted 18 months, but the mail delivery service remains one of the most enduring icons of the American West — its story told in dime novels and in Westerns like the 1990s TV show “The Young Riders.” Read More …

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Pony Express Bible Donated

Pony Express Bible Donated Joe Nardone, the Master Historian of the Pony Express, generously donated to the Foundation an original “1858 RUSSELL, MAJORS & WADDELL” Bible.  These Bibles were ordered by the company in 1858 and should be called Alexander Majors Transportation Bible but have come to the be known as Pony Express Bibles in … Continued

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Express, Please

The Pony Express was a mail delivery service that was established in April of 1860. It was the brainchild of William H. Russell, William B. Waddell and Alexander Majors, the owners of Central Overland California and Pike’s Peak Express Company. The service lasted for little more than a year, but managed to secure a place … Continued

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Today In History

Today In History: Washington DC abolishes slave trade, U.S. Supreme Court rules that black citizens are eligible to vote…   Read More …