wy News | PRESS

Pony Express Valentine card ride

HARTVILLE–Members of the Southeast Wyoming Pony Express Association will hold their annual Valentine Card Ride on Saturday, February 2, 2019. Riders will leave the Guernsey Post Office at 9 a.m. and plan to arrive in Hartville between 11 a.m. and noon. Read More …

npea News | PRESS

Lost Skills of the Pony Express

A Brief Chapter By the mid-1800s, the population of California had exploded. Residents were eager to correspond with connections back east, but communication required incredible patience; mail delivery took a month by boat or overland stage. By the late 1850s, a trio of enterprising freighting firm owners supported the idea of an express overland mail … Continued


nv News | PRESS

Pony Express

In 1860 from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California the Pony Express could deliver a letter faster than ever before. Today the Pony Express National Historic Trail celebrates this achievement on the 50th anniversary of the trails.  Read more…

nv News | PRESS

Pony Express Celebration Planned in Fallon, NV

Listen to the audio    

npea News | PRESS

On The Golden Anniversary Of The National Trails System

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the National Trails System Act of 1968. Among his conservation credentials, President Lyndon Johnson voiced the significance of trails. In his February, 1965 address to Congress, President Johnson stated, “In the back country we need to copy the great Appalachian Trail in all parts of America, and to … Continued

nv News | PRESS

Pony Express medallion rides again Friday at Carson City’s Nevada State Museum

CARSON CITY — The Pony Express may have had a short life as a mail service in the mid-1800s, but its spirit has long resonated in Nevada. Most recently, Pony Bob Peak, which is named for Pony Express rider Robert “Pony Bob” Haslam, was so named by the U.S. Board of Geographic Names just last … Continued

ne News | PRESS

Pony Express rides again

On a hot day when connecting participants were running behind schedule, John Greer and Bruce McReynolds talked about the first time McReynolds took part in the Pony Express re-ride.  Continue…

wy News | PRESS

Pony Express carries mail for national reride, Vets

GUERNSEY–On Wednesday, they re-enacted history, delivering mail as part of the annual National Pony Express Association reride from California to Missouri.  Saturday brought a different mission–creating some of their own history as they delivered hand-written letters from Wyoming elementary students  to veterans residing at the Veteran’s Administration Home in Cheyenne, expressing thanks to the Vets … Continued

wy News | PRESS

Ride for heroes. . .

It was literally a touching moment when Wyoming Pony Express state president Les Bennington’s horse lowered his head to pay respect to one of the residents from the Veteran’s Administration Home in Cheyenne on Saturday morning. Continue reading

ks News | PRESS

Author of Pony Express book says local station ‘most impressive’

Jim DeFelice, a New York Times best-selling author who co-wrote “American Sniper,” said he was impressed with the Marysville Pony Express Barn Museum. Continue reading