There Are More Than 160 Historic Buildings In This Northern California City
The Pony Express Terminal is the place to learn about the history of this famous financial route run by the Wells Fargo Express Company that was the end of the line here from 1860 to 1861. READ More……….
Philatelic waypoint in St. Joseph, Mo., to Pony Express museum
…..a piece of mail sent in July 1860. It is in a light-sensitive case in the museum,….. Read More……..
When a government safe was raided — to fund the Pony Express illegally
……Thompson had heard that hundreds of thousands of dollars in stocks and bonds had been secretly removed and “loaned” to an unknown official. To his shock, the securities were indeed missing from the safe. The recipient turned out to be the president of the Pony Express, ………… Read More……..
Independence Day Parade prize winners named
Horse Group: Pony Express Schellbourne Re-Riders See More…….. Video
Pony Express National Museum in St. Joseph, Missouri documents the Pony Express history of ‘fast mail’
The Pony Express National Museum in St. Joseph, Missouri documents the history of the Pony Express which was the first method of fast mail delivery from the Missouri River to the Pacific coast. In the modern day, the National Pony Express Association (NPEA) continues to keep the memory alive of the Pony Express by performing re-rides … Continued
Caldor Fire scar treks show Pony Express Trail reclaimation
Prior to the Caldor Fire, Don Bailey, longtime volunteer for the Tahoe Rim Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, and Pony Express had been rerouting the trail away from the highway. Just after completing the project Caldor came in and demolished five bridges along the Pony Express trail. Two and a half miles of the trail that was … Continued
Book Review: “The Pony Express: True Tales and Frontier Legends”
Long-time newspaper columnist and author John L. Smith has just dropped on us his latest in a series of thin paperbacks devoted to recounting the exploits and discoveries of some of the most colorful characters who shaped Nevada and the West. Smith’s 77-page “The Pony Express: True Tales and Frontier Legends” is the fifth in … Continued
Pony Express rides strong and hard
GUERNSEY—Nary an entrepreneur has been able to avoid a failed venture—short-run businesses are not unusual for a variety of reasons…….the members of the National Pony Express Association who reenact the mission each year in June. On as near to the original trail as possible from St. Joe to Sacramento, 700-plus riders saddle up and carry mail … Continued
Express delivery
Rider Sid McBridge and horse Lad prepare to gallop down Mother Lode Drive to complete their portion of the Pony Express National Historic Trail Thursday morning near the El Dorado Y. Members of the National Pony Express Association recreate….. Read More….
Pony Express Re-ride gallops through Genoa
Eight States. Over 750 riders. 1,966 miles. The Pony Express Re-ride galops through Genoa on Wednesday. The re-ride takes place every June. Read More….