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Pony Express planning ninth annual Christmas Card ride (NE)

COZAD — The Central Nebraska Pony Express will do its ninth annual Christmas Card Ride Dec. 14. The public is invited to address Christmas cards to friends or family anywhere in the world. Read More …

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Something beautiful or interesting down the road

The sun painted the eastern sky orange at 6 a.m. Wednesday as I stood along Highway 50A near the Fort Kearny State Historical Park entrance looking through my camera’s zoom lens for a westbound horse and rider participating in the National Pony Express Association re-ride from St. Joseph, Mo., to Sacramento, Calif. Read More …

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Pony Express Re-Ride keeps the legend alive

OVERTON — A lone rider gallops away on a fresh horse, saddle bags securely fitted as both set off toward the west. It could just as easily be a scene from 1860, but in 2019, it was the scene of the Pony Express Re-Ride passing through Dawson and the surrounding counties as they commemorate those … Continued

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PHOTOS: Pony Express Re-Ride 2019

Photos from 2019 Re-Ride

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Annual Pony Express Re-ride carries mail through Panhandle

BRIDGEPORT — A rider, wearing a red shirt and black hat mounted his horse in St. Joseph, Missouri, June 10 at 3 p.m. and began the 41st annual Pony Express Re-ride. “This is the 159th anniversary of the Pony Express,” National Pony Express Association president Dean Atkin said Thursday. “The re-ride is an effort to … Continued

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Pony Express rides again

Horse riders were traveling through the Panhandle Thursday. According to an update from the Scotts Bluff National Monument, riders re-enacting the Pony Express are expected to arrive between 5 and 6 p.m. Riders were running behind schedule, but updates will be available at nationalponyexpress.org. Read More …

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Back in 1860…. a small group of riders for the Pony Express would make the ten day trek from Missouri to California to deliver letters. Despite lasting less than two years… the legacy of the 1,900 mile route lives on today. Read More …

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Riders reenact Pony Express

Riders reenacting the Pony Express galloped through the North Platte area Wednesday on their way from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California. They exchanged a mochila, or leather pouch, at Hall School on State Farm Road. Read More …

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Pony Express riders traveling across the Panhandle

They started their morning traveling through Big Springs around 2:30am, Chappell around 6:00am and on their way to Sidney and expected to be there by 8:20am.  more…

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Pony Express rides set at Nebraska state historical parks

LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — Visitors to two Nebraska state historical parks can see a reenactment of the Pony Express next week. The rides will take place Tuesday and Wednesday at Rock Creek Station and Fort Kearny state historical parks. Each year, members of the National Pony Express Association recreate the Pony Express with a commemorative … Continued