nv News | PRESS

Stories of Old Nevada: Memories of Elko

For 19 years, I worked for the Nevada Department of Transportation. During that time I made numerous trips to Elko County Nevada while working on the Interstate 80 Freeway when it was under construction through Carlin, Elko and Wells. Many of the NDOT employees I met in Elko became good friends of mine and I … Continued

nv News | PRESS

Dennis Cassinelli: Eastern Nevada Pony Express stations part 3

In Part 2 of my series on Eastern Nevada Pony Express Stations, I described Schell Creek Station (4), Egan Canyon Station (5) and Butte Station (6). The numbers in parenthesis indicate the number of stations from the Utah State line. There will be one Pony Express Station article each month. Read More…….


nv News | PRESS

Forgotten Overland Stage line once ran through Silver State

Most know that U.S. 50 through Nevada parallels portions of the historic Pony Express trail (and the old Lincoln Highway), but less well known is the fact that the route also parallels what was known as the Overland Mail and Stage Line. Fortunately, a few reminders of this equally important transportation link — which operated … Continued

nv News | PRESS

Carson City Parks Foundation receives National Pony Express donation for disc golf park

As Carson City’s disc golf complex nears completion, the Foundation for Carson City Parks and Recreation’s president, David Johnson, announced that the Foundation recently received a generous donation from the Nevada Division of the National Pony Express Association, for the sponsorship of a hole at the Carson Ridge Disc Golf Park. Read More …

nv News | PRESS


In this, the last article in the series about the Pyramid Lake Indian Wars, I tell about the consequences of this tragic and memorable time in the history of Nevada. As with many wars that have been fought throughout our history, there were no real winners. Read More … 

nv News | PRESS

Mormon Station hosts events

HISTORY TALK – THE EARLY YEARS OF MORMON STATION Join a park ranger for a talk on the early settlement and development of Mormon Station, and what life was like for the early settlers that called this place home. This talk will focus on the 1850s, and discuss how Mormon Station grew from a remote … Continued

nv News | PRESS

Historic hoof steps: Posse members ride in tradition of Pony Express

In her long-sleeved red shirt, brown hat and vest, Julie Sprague followed in the footsteps — or more appropriately hoof steps — of her great-great-grandfather, Elijah Nicholas Wilson, participating in the 2019 Pony Express Re-ride. Sprague and her friend Krissy Bishop, members of the Boulder City Mounted Posse, rode a 7-mile leg June 19 between … Continued

nv News | PRESS

Pony Express Stations, Part 14: Smith Creek Station

This will be the last in my series of articles about the Pony Express stations in western Nevada. When Pony Bob Haslam made the longest ride in Pony Express history, he rode the route from Friday’s Station at Lake Tahoe to Smith Creek Station almost halfway across the state of Nevada. My articles have described … Continued

nv News | PRESS

Pony Express Stations, Part 13: Middlegate and Cold Springs

The site location for Middlegate Station is unknown. There are several possible locations along U.S. Highway 50 near the modern Middlegate bar and restaurant that could have been the site of the original Pony Express station. I could find no trace of any Pony Express Station at Middlegate when I visited there several times when … Continued

nv News | PRESS

Pony Express Stations, Part 12: Sand Springs Station

For thousands of years, much of western Nevada was submerged under the waters of ancient Lake Lahontan. About 4,000 years ago, climate change caused the waters to recede and the area around what’s now Fallon, became a dry desert playa. Prevailing winds from the west blew millions of tons of sand from this playa into … Continued