ne News | PRESS

Pony Express Re-Ride keeps the legend alive

OVERTON — A lone rider gallops away on a fresh horse, saddle bags securely fitted as both set off toward the west. It could just as easily be a scene from 1860, but in 2019, it was the scene of the Pony Express Re-Ride passing through Dawson and the surrounding counties as they commemorate those … Continued

nv News | PRESS

Pony Express re-rides through Valley

Like the original Pony Express, participants in this year’s Pony Express Re-ride will be crossing the vast expanses of Nevada’s deserts before Expected to arrive in Genoa sometime during the afternoon of Wednesday, the re-ride is a relay involving an estimated 600 riders. Read More …

ne News | PRESS

PHOTOS: Pony Express Re-Ride 2019

Photos from 2019 Re-Ride

nv News | PRESS

Pony Express Stations, Part 10: Williams Station

Williams Station is the next Nevada Pony Express station to be encountered when traveling east from Hooten Wells and Desert Station. Originally located along the Carson River, the ruins of the station have been inundated by the waters of Lahontan Reservoir since Lahontan Dam was created in 1911. There are reports that during the drought … Continued

ne News | PRESS

Annual Pony Express Re-ride carries mail through Panhandle

BRIDGEPORT — A rider, wearing a red shirt and black hat mounted his horse in St. Joseph, Missouri, June 10 at 3 p.m. and began the 41st annual Pony Express Re-ride. “This is the 159th anniversary of the Pony Express,” National Pony Express Association president Dean Atkin said Thursday. “The re-ride is an effort to … Continued

ne News | PRESS

Pony Express rides again

Horse riders were traveling through the Panhandle Thursday. According to an update from the Scotts Bluff National Monument, riders re-enacting the Pony Express are expected to arrive between 5 and 6 p.m. Riders were running behind schedule, but updates will be available at nationalponyexpress.org. Read More …

ne News | PRESS


Back in 1860…. a small group of riders for the Pony Express would make the ten day trek from Missouri to California to deliver letters. Despite lasting less than two years… the legacy of the 1,900 mile route lives on today. Read More …

ne News | PRESS

Riders reenact Pony Express

Riders reenacting the Pony Express galloped through the North Platte area Wednesday on their way from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California. They exchanged a mochila, or leather pouch, at Hall School on State Farm Road. Read More …

ks News | PRESS

Pony Express re-ride in progress

The annual re-creation of the Pony Express began on Monday, June 10 in St. Joseph, Mo. and will continue until June 20 when the last rider and horse arrives in Sacramento, Calif.   Read More …

npea News | PRESS

Remembering The Legendary Pony Express

The Pony Express used horse-and-rider relay teams to speed letters across the West just before the start of the Civil War. The 2,000-mile route went from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California — and the Pony could do it in just 10 days.   Read More …