ks News | PRESS

Kansas Pony Express Museum to Participate in Seneca “Day at the Museums”

“…An extra treat at the Pony Express Museum that day: a charter member of the Kansas Pony Express Riders, Darrel Void of Beattie, will be at the museum from 10 to 11 a.m. sharing stories and experiences with all the museum’s visitors, and refreshments will be served.” Continue reading…


ks News | PRESS

Christmas card ride

The ride is a tradition in some communities along the National Pony Express Trail. Continue Reading….

ks News | PRESS

Pony Express Riders Connect with History

“I’m screaming with my horse for two miles and thinking about my great-grandfather and my great-great-grandfather and this idea they had to move the mail,” Rhodes said Tuesday at the annual re-ride stop at Marysville’s Pony Express Barn Museum. Read more …

ks News | PRESS

2017 Pony Express Re-Ride

The National Pony Express Association will celebrate the 157th Anniversary Year of the founding of the Pony Express by conducting a re-run of the famed mail service, June 5-15, 2017. Commemorative letters and personal mail will be carried by horse and rider relays 1966 miles from the Missouri River to the Sacramento River. The first … Continued

ks News

Pony Express re-ride events, breakfast set Tuesday

Saddle up and mosey on down to the Pony Express Barn Museum Tuesday morning in Marysville for breakfast under the open sky during the annual Pony Express re-ride historic reenactment. Breakfast will be served from 7 to 10 a.m., and the re-ride exchange will take place at about 9 a.m. as the rider arrives from … Continued

ks News | PRESS

Pony Express visits Hiawatha Elementary

The third grade students at Hiawatha Elementary School were invited by the Pony Express Association to participate in a week long learning event about the Pony Express. The students experienced our countries past mail system through a variety of lessons. “My favorite thing in the Pony Express was how we could learn about the dangers … Continued