News for Members
1. Member Report Forms
2. Form & Report Calendar Due Dates
3. Strategic Plan 2024-2029
4. Convention Year Host Duties Guidelines
1. Member Report Forms
To Report Volunteer and Education Hours
(Click Red Form Title to Download)
*Volunteer-information-form (VIP):
This form should be used to track all volunteer information that will be reported to the National Parks Service. Each member please track your volunteer events and contributions, as they happen throughout the year, and submit the completed form to your State Division representative when requested, usually by August 1. These activity hours, mileage and expenses contribute to the funding that NPS provides to NPEA each year to pay for its endeavors.
*Education Hours Report:
NPEA Cost Share Grant – National Park Service – Educational Report Form – Event Summary
Send completed form ASAP as event is completed, at least quarterly, to:
Lyle Ladner 2458 Navajo Rd Frankfort, KS 66427 Cell phone 785-799-5538 E-mail
***Any member(s) doing an educational presentation to the public or to a school should fill this form out and send it in, PLUS log the activity on the Volunteer-information-form (VIP). (do BOTH).
Please have at least one person from the project submit this form to the National Secretary to be used in the VIP/PNTS reports.
2. NPEA Calendar & Form Due Dates
(NPEA Fiscal Year is October 1 to September 30)
October | |
Oct 1 |
NTIR/NPS Reports due: NTIR VIP Project Highlights NTIR Volunteer Position Descriptions NPS VIP Hours, Mileage, Expenses Volunteer Service Agreement Form All due to National Secretary |
November | |
Nov 15 | PNTS reports from State Presidents & National Directory Members due to National Secretary |
December | |
Dec 15 | PNTS Reports due: Trail Highlights Federal Funding to National Secretary |
Dec 31 | PNTS reports from State Presidents & National Directory Members due to National Secretary |
Dec 31 | Send in 1st Quarter Educational Reports to Education Coordinator |
January | |
Jan 31 | PNTS reports due: State of the Trails Gold Sheet to National Secretary |
Jan 31 | Updated State Membership Application Forms (the sooner the better) to NPEA Stablemaster |
Jan 31 | Updated State Division Officers to NPEA Stablemaster & National Secretary |
February | |
Feb 28 | Gazette articles to Pony Express Gazette |
Feb 28 | State Re-Ride Schedule (the sooner the better) to NPEA Stablemaster |
March | |
March 15 | Memberships at State level |
March 31 | Send in 2nd Quarter Educational Reports to Education Coordinator |
April | |
Apr 15 | State Membership Dues & State Roster to National Treasurer |
Apr 15 | Rosters for States that include Commemorative Letters with their Memberships to Letter Secretary |
Apr 30 | State Rosters to National Secretary & NPEA Stablemaster |
Apr 30 | Re-Ride map changes (the sooner the better) to NPEA Stablemaster |
May | |
May 20 | NPS deadline for Re-Ride map changes |
June | |
June 11-21 | Annual Re-Ride, West to East |
June 30 | Send in 3rd Quarter Educational Reports to Education Coordinator |
July | |
August | |
Aug 15 | Nominations for National Honorary Members to National President |
Aug 15 | VIP Reports from State Presidents & National Directory Members to National Secretary |
Aug 15 | Reports for Convention from State Presidents & National Directory Members to National Secretary |
September | |
Sept 5-6 | National Convention, Elko, Nevada |
Sept 30 | Send in 4th Quarter Educational Reports to Education Coordinator |
3. Strategic Plan 2024-2029
NPEA Strategic Plan 2024-2029
(Click red title, above, to download Plan)
4. Convention Year Host Duties Guidelines
State Division Hosts can use this outline to help plan the yearly convention, procure the mochila and
order the year’s ride pins, letters and envelopes, etc.
NPEA Convention Hosting Info Template-2
(Click red title, above, to download Guidelines)