Report from Keith County, Nebraska

FROM: Mary Cone (Trail Captain)
June 13th, 2019 PDT

It was a cool, clear, crisp night in the mid-50’s.  Stark contrast to 2018’s 105 degree heat index for our day ride.  The Keith County, Nebraska, Pony Riders gathered south of Paxton to begin our ride section.   Bibles were stamped , ride pins were handed out, and the Pony Express Oath was administered to the riders.   Rigs then went ahead to their assigned starting points and we waited for the mochila to arrive.  The 10 PM scheduled time to depart became 11:55 PM. It’s easy to look at a map, Continue Reading

Doug Berkley’s leg of Kansas trail

FROM: Susan Lousberg
June 13th, 2019 PDT


The Pony Express Re-ride The 41st year at the 96 Ranch outside of Gothenburg, NE

FROM: Ann Trullinger
June 13th, 2019 PDT

Nebraska Riders

FROM: Jack Davis
June 13th, 2019 PDT

2019 Pony Express Re-Ride Start, Patee House, St Joseph, Missouri

FROM: Dean Atkin
June 12th, 2019 PDT

Wednesday at the Plum Creek handoff south of Overton, Nebraska.

FROM: Karen Nelson
June 12th, 2019 PDT

Three Generations of Re-Riders in Nebraska

FROM: Debra S. Hill
June 12th, 2019 PDT

These were taken between The KS-NE state line and Rock Creek Station, Southwest of Fairbury NE.  Here are some pictures from the ride on Tuesday, June 11th.  These were taken by my daughter-in-law Mandi Hill.  They are: my son Richie Hill when he picks up the mochila from the Kansas riders.   Then, my grandson Blake’s first solo ride and finally grandma rides….that’s me, Debra S. Hill.

Kansas Riders

FROM: Susan Lousberg
June 11th, 2019 PDT


FROM: Larry Carpenter
May 13th, 2019 PDT

The California Division participated in the 8th Annual Clarksville Day, Saturday, May 4, 2019.  Eight members served 5 hours at the open air event.  They had two tables and several displays set up to tell the Pony Express story. They were among a couple of dozen historical and community groups to participate.  2000 plus people attended the event and many made their way to the California Division tables with questions and comments about the Pony Express. Ride Letter Applications, NPEA brochures, and Pony Express Map and Guides were given out and, Continue Reading


Wyoming Sweetwater Chapter - Christmas Card Ride

FROM: Melissa Misner
December 21st, 2018 PDT