FROM: Mary Cone (Trail Captain)
June 13th, 2019 PST

It was a cool, clear, crisp night in the mid-50’s.  Stark contrast to 2018’s 105 degree heat index for our day ride.  The Keith County, Nebraska, Pony Riders gathered south of Paxton to begin our ride section.   Bibles were stamped , ride pins were handed out, and the Pony Express Oath was administered to the riders.   Rigs then went ahead to their assigned starting points and we waited for the mochila to arrive.  The 10 PM scheduled time to depart became 11:55 PM.

It’s easy to look at a map and figure miles and say this should take 3 hours, or 4 hours.  Riding The Pony sometimes doesn’t work that way.  Nighttime riding is especially challenging, as you need to appreciate the ground lying in front of each of your steed’s footfalls.  One misstep can wreak havoc.  Plus, the horse may be considering:  that shadow behind the big weed……is that the boogy-man!!    Oh, there is a skunk!   Where’s my pasture buddy?   What’s that smell?   Yes, we ask our steeds to do what The Pony did 159 years ago, but it is still a challenge to mind and soul, to both horse and rider.

Riding under the ¾ moon and starlit sky is always inspirational.   As the Re-Ride trail bends to almost touch the Interstate 80 traffic, the horse and rider advance relatively slowly, in comparison to today’s speed and comfort of travel.  But, lest we forget the legacy left by the Pony Express in advancing the country forward, we ride to remember and to honor those whose intrepid spirit forged our country and laid the foundation of today’s communication and travel highways.

It’s always a thrill to touch history on the Pony Express Trail!!