Central Nebraska Christmas Card Ride

FROM: Cathy Stevens, Nebraska Division President
December 17th, 2024 PDT

What could be more festive in central Nebraska than receiving a Christmas greeting via Pony Express? Saturday December 14, under a clear sunny day, the annual Christmas Card Ride carried holiday greetings – Pony Express members from Brady, Arthur, Cozad and Gothenburg participated. After the cards are picked up, we hand stamp them with a Pony Express stamp, and then they’re carried in the Mochila on horseback from Gothenburg to Cozad, where they are delivered to the post office. Gordy Musil is the leather artist who makes the Mochila for, Continue Reading

Rider Report - Nebraska

FROM: Petra Keller
July 3rd, 2024 PDT

XP NE – Riccio’s first Pony leg in Nebraska Our ride Nebraska Captain, Doug Cape, met us at Cabela’s in Sidney, NE in the morning to take us to our starting point for our ride. Here, we organized some of the logistics for the Re-Ride, including our swearing-in. Our ride section was mainly along HWY 385, and it is a series of leapfrogging for 2-mile legs. After a series of legs along HWY 385, we turned down a dirt road. This is where Riccio got to do his first Pony, Continue Reading


Dick Heinrichs' Re-Ride Section in eastern Nebraska

FROM: You Tube Video
June 20th, 2023 PDT


Nebraska Re-Ride East of Big Springs

FROM: Mary Cone, Trail Captain
June 14th, 2022 PDT

Mary Eisenzimmer took 4 pics of daughter Kallie as she was sworn in by Nebraska President Cathy Stevens, while Mary Cone looks on.   Kallie rode two different horses for the Nebraska crew.  Two of the hundreds of mochila exchanges that took place along the Ride.

Jefferson County Nebraska Riders

FROM: Debra Hill
June 13th, 2022 PDT

Here are some pictures from last Tuesdays ride through Jefferson County Nebraska. The riders are Richie and Mandi Hill, their children Sabrina and Blake plus grandma Deb Hill and Kara Riggle.

Haulin' the Mail by Chimney Rock!

FROM: Western Nebraska by Chimney Rock
June 9th, 2022 PDT

Torrential Rain, Hail and Wind Halt Pony for about an Hour SE of Hastings, NE.

FROM: NPEA Stablemaster
June 8th, 2022 PDT

The Pony was scootin’ along just fine, on time–see the Green “on-time” rider icon in the second screenshot–when the skies opened up with fury!  The first screenshot, later in time, shows the storm moving on through and the Pony as then being late (Red icon) while it rode out the storm under cover.  These screenshots are courtesy of our tech wizards at National Park Service who have put a weather layer on the interactive map for everyone to use and enjoy.   Anyone can do this!   —  Stablemaster Mary


Central Nebraska Christmas Card Ride 12/11/2021

FROM: Cathy Stevens, Nebraska Division President
December 15th, 2021 PDT

What could be more festive in central Nebraska than receiving a beautiful Christmas greeting via Pony Express? Since approx. 2000, the local members of the National Pony Express Association carry holiday greetings on horseback during a Christmas Re-ride. This year’s ride was held on December 11, 2021. After a snowy Friday, Saturday morning dawned sunny, clear and cold with temps in the mid 20’s. The mochila and two saddle bags held 687 pieces of mail, including Christmas cards, Thank You cards from a local wedding and letters/cards from Angela Johnson’s, Continue Reading

Pony Express Re-Ride 2021

FROM: Linda Jenny
July 1st, 2021 PDT

Roxy and I came from Pennsylvania to do the re-ride. By the time we reached trail captain Richard and Alice Heinrich’s we had traveled about 1800 miles and there’s was the seventh stop. The Heinrich’s make the re-ride a family affair. Richard did his 40th ride this year. He handed the mail off to us and we handed it off to his daughter Tina. They graciously put us up at their home. What a great experience. Eight years ago this month I lost my older son Davey. Roxy has carried, Continue Reading

Ft. Kearny, Nebraska (3 pictures)

FROM: Cathy Stevens, Nebraska Division President
June 28th, 2021 PDT

Mitch’s Group passed the Mail to Nadean’s group, before the sun was even up. New riders signed And then we had breakfast. Provided by Gene Hunt group, thank you it was great! Ft. Kearny, NebraskaFrom Cathy Stevens Ft. Kearny, NebraskaFrom Cathy Stevens Ft. Kearny, NebraskaFrom Cathy Stevens