Our Members are the life blood of the NPEA.
We need and welcome your support and participation in preserving and expressing this exciting time in our history. There is no longer the need to ‘Risk Death Daily’, but our work is no less important today than in 1860.
Membership Details
Membership is required for riders who would like to participate in the Annual Re-Ride, as well as parades and other
equestrian events. Riders must be experienced equestrians, at least 18 years of age (14 with parental permission and supervision), and be willing to abide by the Pony Express Oath and Rider Requirements. Some states have an Associate Membership for non-riders who would like to support that state and NPEA. We often need people to help in staffing relay stations during the Re-Ride, public affairs, educational events and other membership duties. Membership fees vary by each State Division and include National dues. Memberships are annual, but Life Memberships are also available for $200.00.
Contact the State Division President for details on State Life Memberships.
Membership Benefits:
- Opportunity to participate as a Rider or Wrangler in the Annual Re-Ride
- Ride Pin
- Special Edition New Testament (Riders)
- Subscription to the Pony Express Gazette (annual newspaper)
- Learn about the Pony Express & Pony Express National Historic Trail
- Participation in Trail Rides, Local Events and Parades
- Yearly participation in Convention that rotates sites among the 8 Trail States
- Opportunities to reach out to schools and groups to educate the next generation on how important the Pony Express was to the formation of the United States
Visit a State Division’s webpage to learn more about membership for that state:
Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, and California
**Membership Apps are found under FORMS on each State Division’s respective webpage.**
The NPEA General Membership Application is for those who want to support the NPEA, but do not wish to take an active part in our organization or be affiliated with a particular state.