FROM: NPEA Stablemaster
June 22nd, 2024 PST

Hello All Pony Folks!

The Stable hasn’t received any written reports yet from the Trail, but Facebook is abounding with outstanding pictures and videos    Those pictures and videos are telling a GREAT story on their own!   THANK YOU to all who have sent photos and videos along the Trail.   They are bringing so many of us along with you to enjoy the scenery and historical significance of the Pony Express Re-Ride!

This year’s Re-Ride has progressed very nicely so far.   The glitch was in the Nebraska Panhandle with the bad rain/hail/wind/tornado warning storm.  But, in true Pony Express fashion, the Riders rose to the task of keeping the mail on its appointed path.

To recap:  The send-off at St. Joe was spectacular!   Combined with the first-day issue of the USPS horse stamps, the crowd was exceptionally large and so very interested in the events unfolding before them!  Kansas glided through their state, FINALLY having a year where the rains weren’t such a problem.  They were a mere 8 minutes behind schedule when handing off to Nebraska.  Nebraska Riders did an outstanding job getting over the state on time.   Weather was a bit of a factor in south-central areas, but not enough to cause terrible delays.  The Nebraska Riders handed over to the Colorado Riders only about 20 minutes behind schedule.  Colorado’s ride was good and they got the mail back to Nebraska only about a half-hour late.  Then, through the Nebraska Panhandle, it was nice weather until it wasn’t!  So glad everyone is safe and sound, plus they got the mochila handed over to Wyoming on time!  Wyoming is now moving the mail west at a very fast pace.  Keep watching the map for current times…….   GO PONY!!!