FROM: Sam DiMuzio, NV Divison President

California started Nevada off 20 minutes ahead of schedule. We had a nice crowd gathered at Woodfords to see our first Pony Rider head out with the mail. We watched the white puffy clouds start to build, knowing what was to come and hoping we wouldn’t be in its path. No such luck! Our Pony Riders braved the cold downpours, hail, wind, thunder and lightning- knowing that at any time they felt unsafe, it was their call to stop. We had a good turnout in Genoa where our riders were able to mingle with the crowd. The Pony Riders then started the long, gradual climb out of Genoa on Jacks Valley Road toward Carson City, to the chagrin of some drivers who felt the need to voice their displeasure. (May need to see about getting digital signage on this road for next year). Our Pony Rider then had to wait patiently for a very long light at the Hwy 50-395 interchange at rush hour traffic. She then passed off to our last Section 1 Rider who rode past the Carson Capital buildings to Section 2 on time!