FROM: Sam DiMuzio, NV Divison President

In normal years, the trail has us turning down Fort Churchill Road to Fort Churchill State Historic Park. But, this year has been anything but normal! The unprecedented snow pack created an unprecedented snow melt which has filled up all of our rivers, including the Carson River which decided to flood (and close) a portion of Fort Churchill Rd. In conjunction with the impassable situation of Section 3, the call was made to ride the mail down Highway 50 to get to the eventual exchange point with section 4. Leaving Carson City on time at 6pm, our Pony Riders headed east down Hwy 50 with their police escort. While Section 2 didn’t have to navigate the weather, one of our riders had a couple extra “wild” hitchhikers following her on the way to Dayton! Once in Dayton, we had quite the crowd gathered at the Pony Express monument near the former Pony Express station. With help from the local law-enforcement volunteers, our rider got safely across Highway 50 and continued the trek east into the night! We passed off the mail to Section 3 at the Silver Springs Roundabout about an hour behind schedule