FROM: Cathy Stevens, Nebraska Division President
What could be more festive in central Nebraska than receiving a beautiful Christmas greeting via Pony Express? Since approx. 2000, the local members of the National Pony Express Association carry holiday greetings on horseback during a Christmas Re-ride. This year’s ride was held on December 11, 2021.
After a snowy Friday, Saturday morning dawned sunny, clear and cold with temps in the mid 20’s. The mochila and two saddle bags held 687 pieces of mail, including Christmas cards, Thank You cards from a local wedding and letters/cards from Angela Johnson’s 4th grade students of Brady Public Schools.
The annual event was carried out by 10 to 12 riders from Brady, Gothenburg and Cozad. After the cards were picked up, we hand sealed them with a Pony Express stamp and then carried in the mochila on horseback from Gothenburg library to Cozad library, where they were delivered to the post office.
A big Thank You to all the riders and support team that help to keep Nebraska history of the Pony Express alive for the next generation! Go Pony!
Submitted by Cathy Stevens, Nebraska chapter president of the National Pony Express Association.