This is Ken Head KE6FTM California radio operator for section 2, Shellbourne Rd. to Overland pass . WOW 10 + hours I will never forget, My only regret is me not making it the last 4.5 miles the trail would not support four wheels the last assignment was pulling truck and trailer out, thanks Gene Ockert and Ron Bell . Nevada has some of the Toughest Horses, the Toughest Men and Woman, and Toughest MUD I have ever seen.
The riders heading off on their own into Butte Valley.Into Long Valley, so far light rain no dust and cool temp’s. Beautiful flowers who plants these??WOW!! what can I say About Long Valley other than I think we got lucky we got through the wash ok, I saw trucks and trailers on sections of trail (here comes that word again) WOW!! YOU GUYS NEED TO COME RUN THE RUBICON..Long ValleyPony Rider at the Shellbourne handoffEagen pass good area For an ambush, just West of the pass the horse and Rider would be challenged by pack of wild horses three times.And then there was MUD!! at this point on I kinda had my hands full at times I looking like I was tossing a salad then driving. Getting a mud shower off the Big tires..The Morning After, I got about three hours I woke to Gene’s horse’s fighting, one of them must have been snoring to loud.. I turned to see my Jeep! WOW we did run some MUD last night, this picture taken after cleaning about 300 lbs off with a stick.Back in Austin having breakfast with some of the Nevada ham radio crew I’m on the left. Oh and who should show up Ron Bell thanks for buying Ron. Like I said if you ever find yourself on the wrong side of the Mountain In HANGTOWN my wife and I would love to see you.. Like I said, BBQ/BED and BREAKFAST. Final words thanks for the hospitality I will be back see y’all next year and… NEVADA ROCK’SBeforeAfter – It cleans up pretty good. I now have a piece of your state in my driveway, I figure about a yard and a half.