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FAIRBURY – It was a blast to the past for many on Saturday, as the Rock Creek Station hosted Rock Creek Trail Days.

“We live the 1860s on the Oregon California Pony Express Trail.”

The events at Rock Creek Trail Days included a Buffalo Stew Cookout, Pony Express Run and more. Park Superintendent at Rock Creek, Jeffery Bargar, said some events stuck out to the public.

“The whole event is popular,” said Barger with a laugh, “but a lot of it is we do a reenactment of some skits, an 1860 shooting that took place, the Pony Express Re-Rides. Those are some of the highlights.”

The annual event happens every year on the first weekend in June. It kicks off an action packed summer at Rock Creek Station.

“Over the summer, every third Saturday, we have living history enthusiasts. They’re all volunteers. Sometimes there’s only one, sometimes there’s six of them, based on volunteers. Every third Saturday, we relive ranch life, 1860s style, and so they might be doing a garden, they might be cutting hay, playing with the blacksmith shop. They’re just doing their every day things they would do 1860s style,” declared Bargar.

Rock Creek Trail Days would run through Sunday evening.