Julesburg was a wild and storied town.  The saga of Pony Express Division 2 Superintendent Jack Slade and Julesburg’s namesake Jules Beni was one of raw western “justice”.

  1. Frontz / Frontz’s / South Platte / Butte
  2. (H) Julesburg (original Old Julesburg) / Overland City


(H) = Home Station

              Bold = Station Name on the original U.S. Senate Executive Document, 46th Congress, 3rd Session, I, No. 21 p.7-8 “Contract with Overland Mail Co” “Route 10773”

Italics = Station Name listed on the 2010 Map prepared by the National Pony Express Association and produced and printed by the National Parks Service to celebrate the Pony Express Sesquicentennial.