A GPS tracker in the Mochila takes YOU along on the Re-Ride!

2024 Map Information

(2025 Map Information will be posted closer to Re-Ride time)

(To view past years’ Re-Ride maps, click on the red link at bottom of this page.)

Using the Two Maps below,

you can follow NPEA Members and their Horses as they Re-Ride History.

The Pony Express Re-Riders carry the mail as they cover the almost 2000 miles from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California.  The Pony Riders will travel 24/7 to make the 10 day trip.  There is a GPS device (SPOT tracker) that is carried in the mochila, which sends a “ping” to a satellite every five minutes.  This ping is then displayed as a Pony Rider Icon on the larger NPS Map, 2nd map below, for you to see the Re-Ride progress.

[Other Stories and Status Updates can be found on this page:  Reports from the Trail.]

*****  2024 Re-Ride Maps  *****

*GPS SPOT Map (#1)*

[This map only works during the 10 days of the Re-Ride]

This Map #1 records the “ping” received by the satellite, directly from the mochila that is on the Current Rider’s Horse.  Time is recorded in Pacific Time (PT).  This ping is then transferred to the NPS map, Map #2, where you can see the whole Re-Ride.


*Interactive NPS Map (#2) *

(National Park Service [NPS] Map)

[NPS translates the signal from the GPS Spot Map # 1, to this Interactive Map #2 for you to follow and explore the entire Re-Ride.]

The black Pony Rider icons are positioned 5 minutes apart.  Click the (+) button to zoom in to any location area.  Click the (-) button to zoom out.  Other icons allow you to access the legend, measure distance, choose layers, including weather, change the background (basemap) or find a specific location.  The current zoom “altitude” is in the lower left-hand corner, next to the coordinates (longitude/latitude) of the cursor location .  Click to identify and/or freeze any cursor location, as well.  Click on a blue dot or a Pony Rider icon for more information, too.


The map is best viewed within a full browser window. If the map has recently been opened, zoom to Current Rider in the map by refreshing the browser, or clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the pop up, or clicking on Selected Features button in the lower right. If 5 minutes have passed since opening the map, use the magnifying glass search option (upper right) to search for “Current Rider”.
Mobile devices — Use Landscape for best viewing.

Please Click Here to view the full map in a new window.



**View Past Re-Ride Maps Here**



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