FROM: NPEA Stablemaster
SENT: June 10th, 2023 | 5:06pm PDT
STATUS: The SPOT GPS device has restarted and shows the Pony has left Shelbourne Rest Area, heading to Utah, on time.

FROM: NPEA Stablemaster
SENT: June 10th, 2023 | 3:20pm PDT
STATUS: Alas, the SPOT GPS device is not working again. We cannot get a support vehicle back into the area where the Pony is due to bad roads. We will be monitoring things and let you know when there is a change. As of last ping, the Pony was running about 4 hours behind to Shelbourne Rest Area.

FROM: NPEA Stablemaster
SENT: June 10th, 2023 | 12:49pm PDT
STATUS: The SPOT Device is now working again and we found the Pony and Rider. Per current calculations, the Pony is about 3 hours late heading to the Shelbourne Rest Area. The Pony is currently at about 7000 feet elevation.

FROM: NPEA Stablemaster
SENT: June 10th, 2023 | 11:13am PDT
STATUS: The SPOT GPS device has quit working, so we do not have a signal. We are checking things out and will get back online ASAP.

FROM: NPEA Stablemaster
SENT: June 10th, 2023 | 8:02am PDT
STATUS: About 15 minutes ago, the Pony passed by the historic Jacob's Well Pony Express Station location (not an exchange point on the map). Consider that the Pony and riders are at about 6000 feet elevation as they ride through these mountains! Go Nevada Pony!

FROM: NPEA Stablemaster
SENT: June 10th, 2023 | 7:38am PDT
STATUS: Trail Reports have been slow to come in due to the troublesome conditions that the Nevada Riders are encountering. They have been winching lots of vehicles, including the HAM reporters', out of the quagmire regularly. We want everyone to stay safe out there! Hopefully, we will have reports after-the-fact a bit later. It sounds like there could be some good ones! Stay tuned.......

FROM: NPEA Stablemaster
SENT: June 10th, 2023 | 6:20am PDT
STATUS: The map tracker seems to be experiencing some technical difficulties on calculations, but the Pony Icon should still be accurate.

FROM: NPEA Stablemaster
SENT: June 10th, 2023 | 5:32am PDT
STATUS: The Pony made steady progress overnight and just left Overland Pass. They look to be running ahead of schedule about an hour.

FROM: NPEA Stablemaster
SENT: June 9th, 2023 | 8:25pm PDT
STATUS: The Pony continues to travel through Nevada, diverting to routes that are passable for the Pony and support vehicles. Lots of water and muddy areas to work around. They continue to maintain a timely pace, still on schedule to arrive at Grubb's Well as planned.

FROM: NPEA Stablemaster
SENT: June 9th, 2023 | 11:32am PDT
STATUS: The Pony is approaching Cold Springs Station, NV. Continuing on, be aware that the roads are impassable in some areas, so expect some diversions in the route. The Pony will take the safest way it can. If the diversion is too far off the Expected Route, there may be an absence of Pony icons on the map for a time. The Nevada Riders know what they are doing. As you see the Pony icons get closer together, they are going up or down hill. When they hit the flat, the Pony icons spread out a bit, as the horse can stretch out and go faster.