Presidents report from St. Joseph, MO to Sacramento, CA

FROM: Dean Atkin National Pony Express President Re-Ride News Letter 2017
July 4th, 2017 PDT

Just like the sound of the horse hoofs beat falls silent in the fall of 1861, the last dispatched mail delivered and the horses and men disbanded onto greatness, so it is the same of the 2017 Pony Express Re-ride. Unlike the last ride in 1861, the mochila left St.  Joseph, Missouri with over 1000 letters, on their way to locations all over the world.  Leaving St. Jo with a shout instead of a cannon shot, it left at 3:00 PM, June 5, 2017, headed for Sacramento. The temperature reaching, Continue Reading

Following the Re-Ride from St. Joseph, MO to Sacramento, CA

FROM: Dean Atkin, NPEA National President
June 8th, 2017 PDT

Patee House, St. Joseph, MO Dean Atkin, NPEA National President & Gary Chilcote, NPEA Missouri Division President in front of the Patee House, St Joseph, MO Gary Chilcote (MO), Lyle Ladner (KS), Jack Rhodes (UT) at the Patee House, St. Joseph MO First westbound Re-Riders from Patee House, St. Joseph, MO Marysville, KS Marysville Kansas Marysville Kansas Marysville Kansas Hollenberg Station, KS Hollenberg Station, KS Hollenberg Station, KS Hollenberg Station, KS Rock Creek Station Rock Creek station. Kara Reggie from Endicott Nebraska Oak, NE  Oak, NE Sunset In Nebraska Cozad,, Continue Reading

Showcasing the Annual Re-Ride of the Pony Express National Historic Trail

FROM: Derek Nelson, National Trails Intermountain Region, National Park Service
June 5th, 2017 PDT

National Trails Intermountain Region (NTIR) is responsible for administering or co-administering 9 of the 19 national historic trails congressionally designated throughout the country. One of these trails, the Pony Express, has fascinated Americans since its first riders hit leather in April 1860, heading west from St. Joseph, Missouri, and east from San Francisco, California. This innovative overland mail service lasted only 19 months, but it created an immediate sensation and won a permanent place in the history of the American West. The legend of “the Pony,” as it was affectionately, Continue Reading


Grit in your teeth, hot, sweaty horses and people…

FROM: Lizzi Tremayne, Waihi, New Zealand
June 23rd, 2016 PDT

I started posting about the PX on 13 June and have several highly photographic blog posts up now!


The Re-Ride is a Trek of Extremes

FROM: Lyle Ladner, President NPEA
June 23rd, 2014 PDT

The 2014 Pony Express reride was a trek of extremes from Historic Old Sac CA to St. Joe MO. From mountain forest and rough water crossings to dry dusty desert ranges. High population areas to the solitude of vast range areas. The dry range in Nevada and Utah to vast grass range in Wyoming and western Nebraska to the irrigated areas of east central Nebraska with vast alfalfa and corn fields. Transitioning into the green grass and fields in eastern Nebraska and northeast Kansas after the spring rain. The weather, Continue Reading

Thank You!

FROM: The Officers of the National Pony Express
June 23rd, 2014 PDT

We would like to thank riders, members, family, friends and support staff that helped make the 35th Re-Ride a success. We would like to thank all the folks that offered us food, drinks or housing during our travels. It was great meeting and visiting with as many riders and members as we could. Words cannot express the gratitude we feel.

Report from Egan's Station

FROM: Lyle Ladner, President NPEA
June 15th, 2014 PDT

Report from Egan’s Station: Beautiful sunny day with lite breeze blowing waiting on the rider to arrive, doing some hiking around the area.


Three generations of riders

FROM: Ginger Swigert
June 23rd, 2013 PDT

The mail is behind because of a few set backs that occurred in WY but it is clear that everyone is working extremely hard to make up time safely. Late Saturday night we caught up with the first of the Utah riders in Evanston, WY. Three generations of riders were participating for the first time. They knew the mail was a little behind but their spirits were high and exited about riding. Sunday started following the riders up State St. in Utah. Riding many miles on asphalt is difficult but, Continue Reading

Good day, windy but not hot.

FROM: Jim Swigert, President National Pony Express Association
June 22nd, 2013 PDT

We were doing just fine staying on schedule. We actually left yesterday morning from Casper about a half hour ahead of schedule but they lost time last night. Wyoming lost about four hours last night. No accidents, nobody’s hurt, but it was just a couple slow riders, couple riders in the wrong spot. Just a kind of a thing and had to go get him get him in the right position move horses around and they just some time. I am at Granger right now. Just talked to Les Bennington., Continue Reading

Edward Hoover has been a historical reenactor

FROM: Edward Hoover, Special Correspondent
June 19th, 2013 PDT

For many years Edward Hoover has been a historical reenactor working with many historical sites in Kansas. One of his personages is a Newspaper Correspondent. On his last visit to the Hollingberg Pony Express Station last month he suprised the curator (a friend) dressed as a reporter from the “St Joseph Gazzet”, the first newspaper carried west by the Pony Express. Edward R Hoover Correspondent for the St.Joseph Gazzet 785-456-1276 Here is his report: The morning awoke clear and cool. I was the first to arrive at the Hollenberg Pony, Continue Reading