Keith County, Nebraska Re-Ride

FROM: Mary Cone, Trail Captain
June 25th, 2021 PDT

Rarely do we get the mail EARLY!!    But, we did this year.    Every year is different, doing this Re-Ride!    Just like in 1860, you have to expect the unexpected! We received the mochila south of Big Springs, NE, from the Colorado Riders, did the exchange, and left at 3:33 am MDT, 2.5 hours ahead of schedule.   The night was a bit sticky, not too cool, with a hint of a north breeze.   As we progressed, it cooled a bit and the breeze freshened.   We witnessed a glorious, Continue Reading

Nebraska Panhandle Riders at Night (click here to see 2 pictures)

FROM: Mike Dombier
June 24th, 2021 PDT

Report from the Trail by Mike Dombier Mochila exchange. Report from the Trail by Mike Dombier Riders head into Lodgepole, NE Rider Mark Cape makes his way along highway 30 around 11pm Wednesday night outside of Dalton, NE.


Fort Kearny to Cozad

FROM: Cathy Stevens
June 19th, 2019 PDT

I hear the biscuits & gravy breakfast was good! We had a good ride this year, even though some horses decided against loading. The weather was great, cool temps, and breezy! There was wildlife in the ditch now & then, but it was a blur as the horses and riders ran past. We had lunch at Veteran’s park in Cozad, thanks for the hamburger meal ladies! I was able to get pictures of some of our group, which I like to do! See you all next year!

Bridgeport-Scotts Bluff, Nebraska

FROM: Hanah Roach, High Hats Photography
June 18th, 2019 PDT

Rain, Shine, Daylight, Darkness!

FROM: Mark and Jacquie Hartman
June 16th, 2019 PDT

Our Group of 9 horses/riders picked up the mochila at about 3:45 pm Thursday 6/13/2019 in Bridgeport, Nebraska. We slugged it out thru rain/shine/wind/daylight/Darkness down Highway 92 hitting the Nebraska/Wyoming State line, at approximately 10:00 pm. My Wife Jacquie, and myself love participating in this annual historic re-enactment!! Good Luck to all the riders and their horses this year!!

XP rider Oak Nebraska

FROM: Carrie Grimes
June 13th, 2019 PDT

My mom Carol Anderson was awarded her 30 year patch this year. I’m so proud of her. Her station is Oak NE, and mine is just a mile west of her.  This was my 27 th year. Here are some pictures of us from Tuesday June 11th.    

Report from Keith County, Nebraska

FROM: Mary Cone (Trail Captain)
June 13th, 2019 PDT

It was a cool, clear, crisp night in the mid-50’s.  Stark contrast to 2018’s 105 degree heat index for our day ride.  The Keith County, Nebraska, Pony Riders gathered south of Paxton to begin our ride section.   Bibles were stamped , ride pins were handed out, and the Pony Express Oath was administered to the riders.   Rigs then went ahead to their assigned starting points and we waited for the mochila to arrive.  The 10 PM scheduled time to depart became 11:55 PM. It’s easy to look at a map, Continue Reading

The Pony Express Re-ride The 41st year at the 96 Ranch outside of Gothenburg, NE

FROM: Ann Trullinger
June 13th, 2019 PDT

Nebraska Riders

FROM: Jack Davis
June 13th, 2019 PDT

Wednesday at the Plum Creek handoff south of Overton, Nebraska.

FROM: Karen Nelson
June 12th, 2019 PDT