Sweetwater PX Club - Great Ride!

FROM: Janet Hartford
June 26th, 2018 PDT

We had a great ride! Did 3 legs across Highway 28. On time, mail was handed off to me at about 5:45 just east of the Green River crossing. Great weather, good footing was a very good day. Handed off to the sons of Rusty Owens who had passed away from cancer and was one of the very first members.

Utah Team 2: Simpson Springs to Murray Park

FROM: Cindy Furse
June 25th, 2018 PDT

Utah Team 2 had a beautiful day to carry the mail from Simpson Springs to Murray Park. 77 degrees, with a light breeze part of the day. Ok, it got hotter than that in some of parts of our ride across the desert, but not too bad. We started at the Simpson Springs Pony Express Station (shown in the first picture), and passed a nearby band of mustangs. Perhaps they were waiting their turn to be Pony Express ponies! (The original riders rode mustangs like these, apparently not too well, Continue Reading

Waiting for the mail...exchange...go!

FROM: Patsy Lange
June 25th, 2018 PDT

Jamie Marvidakis waiting for Beverly Hefferman to bring the mail in Beverly dismounting from her ride. 6/25/18 near Fairfield, UT Beverly & Jamie mochila exchange 6/25/18 near Fairfield, UT Jamie Marvidakis 6/25/18 near Fairfield, Utah

Enjoyable Ride in Utah, Included Wild Horse Band!

FROM: Patsy Lange
June 25th, 2018 PDT

I had a very enjoyable, pleasant ride. My first ride was about 6 Mi west of Fairfield. The first mile was on a frontage road then on to Five Mile Pass that also was a frontage road right off of the highway. I was surprised and felt honored at at least five or six cars that pulled over to watch everybody had a camera, that was exciting. The temperature was great and the high 70s a slight breeze so it was very comfortable for me and my paint mare Blaze, Continue Reading

3rd Re-ride for young Nevadan

FROM: MaryAlice Chester Raabe
June 25th, 2018 PDT

Ride Captain Ron Bell assisting Alina Raabe who rides Belle. It’s their 3rd re-ride and this exchange was in Genoa NV at the Mormon Station State Park. Ride Captain Ron Bell assisting Alina Raabe who rides Belle.

Generations Riding in Wyoming

June 25th, 2018 PDT

The 3 times Great Grandson and 5 times Great Granddaughter of Major Howard Egan carrying mail through Wyoming, carrying on a family Pony Express tradition.

Family Fun on Wyoming Section!

FROM: Eddie Halls
June 25th, 2018 PDT

We hit the halfway mark at 11: 15am MDT Ride Captain Ron Atkinson and his granddaughter Halle … Ride Captain Ron Atkinson and his granddaughter Halle

Rider into Evanston, WY

FROM: Eddie Halls
June 25th, 2018 PDT

Wyoming XP rider Abby Hayduk coming into Evanston, WY

Lost Hats in Flats

FROM: Jim Phelan
June 24th, 2018 PDT

Sorry no photo yet but, Rex, after his 10 mile lonely stretch across the flats near Carson Lake south of Fallon, NV ( said he was being tracked by some kind of critter), hands the mail off to me at approx 5:15 am. My Arabian mare was anxious to go after being in and around the trailer all night so she tries to go up the pass at a full gallop but needs to take a couple of breathers, the run down to the Geo thermo plant was real fun, Continue Reading

Sand Springs to Cold Springs

FROM: Jill Andrews
June 23rd, 2018 PDT

Starting at 7:30 in the morning, received the mail 8 minutes early and began the first of three legs to ride on the Sand Springs to Cold Springs Team! What a run it was! Our first leg was 3.5 miles uphill to the top of the pass and handing off to Alina Raabe. Then on to Middlegate Station for another easy 2 mile section. Finally, we took a third leg when another member had some trouble with a horse going down in a trailer. We hear he was shook, but ok on, Continue Reading