Eagle Mountain, Utah

FROM: Kelli Stevenson
June 16th, 2019 PDT

Just got done with Eagle Mountain, Utah at 5:10. Where Pony Express is part of our every day life.  

First express ride express ride a success

FROM: Brady and Colleen Homer
June 16th, 2019 PDT

Today’s team #1 successful ride from the Wyoming/Utah border to Murray Park, UT. There was a lot more traffic out then expected but all horses did great and all riders gave their all. Here’s to next year!  

Rain, Shine, Daylight, Darkness!

FROM: Mark and Jacquie Hartman
June 16th, 2019 PDT

Our Group of 9 horses/riders picked up the mochila at about 3:45 pm Thursday 6/13/2019 in Bridgeport, Nebraska. We slugged it out thru rain/shine/wind/daylight/Darkness down Highway 92 hitting the Nebraska/Wyoming State line, at approximately 10:00 pm. My Wife Jacquie, and myself love participating in this annual historic re-enactment!! Good Luck to all the riders and their horses this year!!

Ride by Farson, Wyoming

FROM: Janet Hartford
June 16th, 2019 PDT

Had great weather and awesome rides just west of Farson, MM 114 to 112. The cut-across road between the La Barge Hwy and Granger that was the best! Dirt, no bottles to dodge, just one badger hole… in the road! Is amazing that we ride the same trail as the Pony Express, Oregon Trail, Mormon Trail, and California Trail!    

Re-ride 2019, Part 1

FROM: Petra Keller
June 15th, 2019 PDT

Where do I start! What an experience to get to see the start of the Re-Ride in St. Joseph and help document and live report along the way! I flew out on Sunday to Kansas City and made my way to Arleta’s to stay in Marysville! Flying into Kansas City I saw how much water was overflowing the Missouri. How awful for all those affected by the floods. We (Arleta, Alicia and I) leave early Monday morning to head to St. Joseph. The departure ceremonies do not start until 2:30, Continue Reading

Colorado's youngest rider

FROM: Sherri Brant
June 14th, 2019 PDT

Welcoming riders at Guernsey

FROM: Missy Byrd
June 14th, 2019 PDT

Welcoming the riders at Wendover Rd in Guernsey, 5:30 am

Southeast Wyoming

FROM: Stephanie Goulart
June 14th, 2019 PDT

Adahline Goulart’s first ride as an official member

Mochilla exchange in South Torrington

FROM: Stephanie Goulart
June 14th, 2019 PDT

Riders Tony Goulart, Dennis Fischer

XP rider Oak Nebraska

FROM: Carrie Grimes
June 13th, 2019 PDT

My mom Carol Anderson was awarded her 30 year patch this year. I’m so proud of her. Her station is Oak NE, and mine is just a mile west of her.  This was my 27 th year. Here are some pictures of us from Tuesday June 11th.