Rider in Douglas County, NV (click here for 2 pictures)

FROM: Dana Long
June 19th, 2021 PDT

Dana LongThis rider was on Foothill Road, just south of Kingsbury Grade, in Douglas County, Nevada. Taken June 17, 2021. Dana LongThis rider was on Foothill Road, just south of Kingsbury Grade, in Douglas County, Nevada. Taken June 17, 2021.

Pony Rider into Carson City, NV

FROM: Dave Kittle
June 18th, 2021 PDT

Rider into Carson City, NV 6/17/21Photo Credit: Dave Kittle

Laura and Liz's Pony Express Re-Ride 2021 -- Yahooo; It Was Epic!

FROM: Laura and Liz
June 18th, 2021 PDT

Watch their video.

GPS Mapping of Re-Ride Gets Off to a Late Start

FROM: NPEA Stablemaster
June 16th, 2021 PDT

The 2021 Re-Ride began on time, as the Pony took off from Old Sac. at 2:00pm local time.  However, the technology of the GPS tracking proved more challenging for the NPEA Media Team.  After realizing the signal was not coming through, the support personnel had to catch the Pony and re-program some buttons on the device, which is carried in the Pony’s mochila.  It took about 20 miles to catch up!  The device was retrieved and rebooted and the signal started working.  You may think there is something wrong with, Continue Reading

May 2021 NPEA Press Release

FROM: Larry Carpenter
June 11th, 2021 PDT

XP-May 2021-Re-Ride Press Release


Photos of the group of riders and horses on the September 2020 ride at Overland Pass/Diamonds.

FROM: Wendy Cobb
October 15th, 2020 PDT

2020 Re-Ride cancelled and letter information

FROM: Melva Sanner, National Pony Express President
July 14th, 2020 PDT

With much thought, deliberation and concern for the safety of our members and public supporters, a consensus decision to cancel the 2020 Re-ride and Convention was reached at the virtual ZOOM meeting on July 14, 2020 by the officers and State Division representatives of the National Pony Express Association. The 2020 Annual Directors Meeting will be via ZOOM meeting in September to address the business needs of the organization (date TBA). The Re-Ride will resume in June of 2021, starting out in Sacramento California and traveling to St. Joseph Missouri., Continue Reading

Trail markers on the Utah/Nevada XP trail

FROM: Dean Atkins
June 16th, 2020 PDT


California Division Christmas Card Ride

FROM: Larry Carpenter
December 31st, 2019 PDT

The 2019 Christmas Card Ride was held Saturday, December 7th. Riders in Relay transported two mochilas from the Folsom History Museum, along the American River Parkway to the Old Sacramento History Museum. The five-and-a-half-hour ride began with a beautiful clear morning but as time went on the riders hit rain. Ride Captain Rich Tatman stamped last minute cards from Collection Box inside the Folsom History Museum. Riders talking about the Pony Express.

Pony Express: Special Delivery Letters & Kisses for our Veterans

FROM: Petra Keller & Siena 
November 4th, 2019 PDT

Woof! My name is Siena and I am a spunky 2-year-old heeler mix. Oh myyyy, the adventures I have had with my mom Petra! I enjoy going on trails rides where I get to run alongside and this past summer, I even got to come along on the Pony Express Re-ride! I sure loved helping “Uncle Red” (mom’s horse) who was carrying the Mochila (the special leather saddle pouch) which had lots of letters in it. Thankfully I didn’t have to carry it – it was heavier than I am., Continue Reading