Murray Park

FROM: Patsy Lange
June 12th, 2022 PDT

We received the mail about 10 minutes early at Murray Park and left Murray Park at 11:30. The pony is now 3 MI from Camp Floyd inn in Fairfield we’re making really good time it’s been warm but not too hot. Right now we have wind so some of us couldn’t keep a hat on but we’re all having a good time.

Haulin' the Mail by Chimney Rock!

FROM: Western Nebraska by Chimney Rock
June 9th, 2022 PDT

Torrential Rain, Hail and Wind Halt Pony for about an Hour SE of Hastings, NE.

FROM: NPEA Stablemaster
June 8th, 2022 PDT

The Pony was scootin’ along just fine, on time–see the Green “on-time” rider icon in the second screenshot–when the skies opened up with fury!  The first screenshot, later in time, shows the storm moving on through and the Pony as then being late (Red icon) while it rode out the storm under cover.  These screenshots are courtesy of our tech wizards at National Park Service who have put a weather layer on the interactive map for everyone to use and enjoy.   Anyone can do this!   —  Stablemaster Mary

Views of the Pony in Kansas and Nebraska

FROM: Racine Hillegom, on the Trail in Kansas and Eastern Nebraska
June 8th, 2022 PDT

Marysville, KS Station Report

FROM: Kathy Klover
June 7th, 2022 PDT

Had good weather, good rides and good people!!!  And it was topped off with a good breakfast!!!!   Thank you! — — Kathy Klover

"The Pony" is featured on PBS Nature.

FROM: Stablemaster
February 26th, 2022 PDT

PBS’ Nature recently aired a program called “American Horses”, which was on TV on February 23, 2022.   Spartan, a Mustang ridden by NPEA member Kaelynn Clark, was featured riding the Pony Express Re-Ride, carrying the mochila across the beautiful scenery of Southwest Wyoming.  The show is available for viewing on the PBS website  https://www.pbs.org/video/american-horses-i5v309/  until March 23, 2022.   It can also be purchased from PBS.  This 10-minute segment was outstanding in showing the vast magnitude of the country that The Pony has to traverse in carrying the mail each year.  Kudos to all, Continue Reading

Video Story of Running the Pony Express Trail on Foot

FROM: Stablemaster
February 8th, 2022 PDT

This video has beautiful views of the Pony Express Trail…………… CLICK HERE to view Video.


Central Nebraska Christmas Card Ride 12/11/2021

FROM: Cathy Stevens, Nebraska Division President
December 15th, 2021 PDT

What could be more festive in central Nebraska than receiving a beautiful Christmas greeting via Pony Express? Since approx. 2000, the local members of the National Pony Express Association carry holiday greetings on horseback during a Christmas Re-ride. This year’s ride was held on December 11, 2021. After a snowy Friday, Saturday morning dawned sunny, clear and cold with temps in the mid 20’s. The mochila and two saddle bags held 687 pieces of mail, including Christmas cards, Thank You cards from a local wedding and letters/cards from Angela Johnson’s, Continue Reading

Utah Division Trail Ride

FROM: Patrick Hearty, Utah Division
October 13th, 2021 PDT

A couple of photos at the Utah Division trail ride, Stansbrury Island, September 25, which was National Public Lands Day (though we were on private property).  Seven riders, perfect weather.  Photos by Jerry Hurst    

Colorado Division at 100th anniversary of Haxtun's Corn Festival and Parade

FROM: Cheryl Nein, Colorado Division
October 13th, 2021 PDT

      Haxtun’s 100th celebration of Corn Festivals and Parades, September 25th. We had six riders; escort pickup with XP banner on front and original 1960 metal XP sign on back, two in cab, 40 year XP member Augie Bjorklund in back with saddle/mochila on display. Two of our young riders rode with NE Colorado County Fair’ royalty, so short a couple of riders-still had 11 members of our division involved in today’s celebration!! We wandered downtown following parade in our uniforms -amazing how many people asked questions about, Continue Reading