It has been a Loooooong day

FROM: Edward Hoover, Pony Express re-ride Special Correspondent
June 18th, 2013 PDT

It has been a Loooooong day . Up at 3am out the door by 4am , had to take a different route there do to hwy construction adding 20+ miles . Got to the Hollenberg Pony Express Station at 5:30am the incoming rider arrived at around 5:50+/- am almost a hour earlier than posted . The only ones there were myself and the next rider and his crew person whom only arrived about 10 minutes before the incoming riders arrival . BUT I did catch his arrival on camera ., Continue Reading

Lizzi Tremayne from New Zealand is writing a novel

FROM: Lizzi Tremayne from New Zealand
June 1st, 2013 PDT

Lizzi Tremayne from New Zealand is writing a novel around the Utah portion of the trail and has created a blog on the Re-Ride and her novel. Here is a link to her blog.