Pretty good run through SLC

FROM: Patsy Lange, NPEA Utah Division
June 22nd, 2015 PDT

We had a pretty good run yesterday through SLC, Received the mail about an hour late. We actually was making up time in town, not a lot of traffic, still a little on the cooler side. After we got in the Desert tho, with the temps in 101 range, and the winding blowing; the horses and us starting slowing down a little. During my 2nd run, just starting on the gravel roads, it was windy but still not real hot; it was great. The 3rd ride was at the hottest,, Continue Reading

Western Wyoming riders arrive at the Utah border

FROM: Patrick Hearty, Utah NPEA
June 21st, 2015 PDT

Western Wyoming riders made the Utah border 3 1/4 hours late. It was a cool and perfect night to make up a little time, so the boys and girls (human and equine) put the hammer down. Our first rider was Trever Carpenter, and I left the border change point before he got the mochila, knowing I couldn’t pass him on that road. I got a good head start, and was going about 25 mph, as the road is pretty washboardy. After about a mile, I looked in the rearview, and, Continue Reading

Reriding with the Pony Express

FROM: Marjorie Daley
June 21st, 2015 PDT

Reriding with the Pony Express Marjorie Daley The Pony Express, for all its short lifespan, holds a mythical place in western history. For eighteen months, riders for the Pony Express carried mail from St. Joseph, Missouri to Sacramento, California and back, in ten days, galloping their way across the Great American Desert, evading Indians, robbers, snow, and all the other hardships the west could dish out. It was eventually replaced by the telegraph and railroad and the stations faded into memory and the riders into obscurity. Every June since 1977,, Continue Reading

Mail Arrives in Jeffry City

FROM: Les Bennington, Wyoming NPEA
June 20th, 2015 PDT

Last night we were about 3 hours late getting into Jeffry City, but made up good time and left Farson 1 hour late. Had to change the GPS batteries. Seem they only last about 24 hours. We had two Wyoming riders hurt last night. One was taken to the Riverton Hospital and the other to the Casper Hospital with a concussion. Both are better this morning. One was bucked off his horse when attempting to load the mochilla. His horse was calmed down, the mochilla was placed on his wife’s, Continue Reading

The Pony Express Riders at Exchange Paxton Ne

FROM: Mary Cone, NPEA Insurance Coordinator
June 18th, 2015 PDT

The Pony Express Riders at Exchange Paxton Ne l-r Mary Dale, Karla, Lyle Ladner administering oath, Ron, Angie, Carl, Joan, Rick (foreground), Bill The Exchange to Colo. Nebraska Division President Lyle Gronewold, Mary Cone riding Thanks for all your coverage!!!

Anticipation, and then boom, it's over

FROM: Mary Cone, Keith County, Nebraska, Trail Captain.
June 17th, 2015 PDT

Anticipation, and then boom, it’s over. The Pony Re-ride through Keith County, Nebraska, was one of the best. We received the mail south of Paxton from the North Platte Riders about 10 minutes early. This got us off to a great start in the mid-afternoon sunshine!! Bill rode Ginger, Donna was on Comet, Carl had Elvis, Kristy rode Jet and Spencer, Rick rode Phoenix and Cash, Don was on Little Brother, Angie rode Yeller, Mary Dale had Casper (who has been a mount for someone every year since 2002), Karla, Continue Reading


FROM: Trudy Wischropp
June 15th, 2015 PDT

Here is a Twitter post I made about the NPEA coming through the Kennekuk area today. Pony Express & Twitter I tweeted about the Pony Express going through the area today. Kind of an oxymoron, isn’t it?  Or maybe not?  Was the Pony Express the Twitter of our day? Anywho….I loved seeing the riders change out horses.  Probably not as fast as they used to, but the riders are a little different than they used to be too.  The guy taking off and riding through Kennekuk today was almost 70, as, Continue Reading

The Tradition of the Re-Ride

FROM: Larry Carpenter, Sacramento, Member, California State Division.
June 15th, 2015 PDT

The NPEA is active all year promoting and preserving the History of the Pony Express and the Pony Express National Historic Trail. All 8 State Divisions have a number of events, parades, and local community activities they participate in. Each September the NPEA holds their annual Convention to conduct business, review the Re-ride, get updates on the Trail, and plan for the next Re-ride. Everything starts to come together and get focused in the Spring as the Ride approaches. Many State Divisions have Swearing-In Dinners where updates on the Ride, Continue Reading


Movie - featuring the Eagle Rock portion of the Pony Express National Trail.

FROM: Gary Plank, California NPEA
June 28th, 2014 PDT

Here is a link to a movie I made featuring the Eagle Rock portion of the Pony Express National Trail. The mail passed by on the afternoon of June 26th.

The Re-Ride is a Trek of Extremes

FROM: Lyle Ladner, President NPEA
June 23rd, 2014 PDT

The 2014 Pony Express reride was a trek of extremes from Historic Old Sac CA to St. Joe MO. From mountain forest and rough water crossings to dry dusty desert ranges. High population areas to the solitude of vast range areas. The dry range in Nevada and Utah to vast grass range in Wyoming and western Nebraska to the irrigated areas of east central Nebraska with vast alfalfa and corn fields. Transitioning into the green grass and fields in eastern Nebraska and northeast Kansas after the spring rain. The weather, Continue Reading