Hwy 50 to Celio Ranch in CA

FROM: Lisa Agoitia, California XP Rider
June 17th, 2016 PDT

My ride was Hwy 50 to Celio Ranch. The mail was a 45 min ahead of time by the time I received it. Smooth sailing down the hill to Cielio Ranch. Ran it a few min. faster than the time given. If it was raining or wet pavement it would have been a slow go down the paved hill. But weather was on our side and Harmony (my horse) and I had a beautiful ride down. Passed of the mail to the next rider. Folks had pancakes and eggs at, Continue Reading

A Glimpse of the Ride in El Dorado County

FROM: Larry Carpenter, California NPEA
June 15th, 2016 PDT

I rejoined the Ride, or caught up with the Ride in El Dorado County, near Buckeye Road and Mother Lode Drive. It is not easy to keep pace with this Event. Riders are maintaining a speed of 8 to 11 miles an hour, but some don’t know this is a Recreation, and they ride with Passion. The route has been developed over the years to avoid traffic bottlenecks, etc, and the Riders disappear down an access rode or onto a dirt road and reappear down a road ahead of you., Continue Reading

Folsom Report

FROM: Larry Carpenter, California NPEA
June 15th, 2016 PDT

The Folsom Welcome Ceremony began On-Time at the Folsom History Museum, Sutter Street, Folsom. Hosted by the Folsom Historical Society. This began at 2:00 PM on the steps of the Museum with the public, NPEA Members, and the members of the Folsom Historical Society in attendance. Folsom after the first 6 week so Pony Express Operations was the Terminus of the Overland Route of the Central Overland California and Pikes Peak Express Company. The mail was then put on the Cars of the Sacramento Railroad for the trip to the, Continue Reading

Pony Re-Ride Departure Ceremony in Old Sacramento

FROM: Larry Carpenter, California NPEA
June 15th, 2016 PDT

The 2016 Pony Express Ride Departure Ceremony in Pony Express Plaza, 2nd and J Streets, Old Sacramento, began On-Time at 9:30 AM. California Division President Elizabeth Davis introduced a series of Speakers who told a group of 50 plus of the National Pony Express Association, the Pony Express, and the role the State Parks Department, and the National Park Service play in preserving Pony Express History and sites and the Trail. The event took place in the shadow of Holland’s Pony Rider Monument across the street from the B.F. Hastings, Continue Reading

Detours on the Trail

FROM: Lori Babbage, California NPEA
June 15th, 2016 PDT

Ride #2: Jeff Babbage and daughter Allison Babbage arrived early to the exchange point in Sacramento at Discovery Park. Unfortunately, dad woke up with the stomach flu and felt it a wise idea to pass on this portion of the ride. Allison, as a lone rider received the mail on time and the exchange was picture perfect (thank you Sara Miller). The trail only brought one challenge to Allison at just over three miles in. The trail is beautiful as it follows the curves of American River. As Allison and, Continue Reading

My 8th year Re-Riding of The Pony

FROM: Carol Hunt, Schellbourne Re-riders
March 8th, 2016 PDT

In White Pine County, there are 142 miles of 99% original trail. Remnants of several of the old “stations” which housed the horses and riders still exist. The Schellbourne Station on highway 93, about 35 miles north of McGill has a great exhibit and information at the rest stop. A huge silhouette of a Pony rider also marks the spot. The group that carries the mail is named after the old Fort Schellbourne. There are usually about 22 riders to carry the mail across the 142 miles, the longest section, Continue Reading


Schellbourne Re-Riders 2015

FROM: Wendy Anderson
July 5th, 2015 PDT

Jim Hannah and Tony Zamora. It was dark, pitch black. The horses moved out carefully, watching all the shadows from vehicles in the front and in back of them. Their ride went well, then the next two riders headed out, and things went drastically wrong quickly. One rider came off and the horse disappeared into the dark morning. Luckily, the rider seemed to be okay, and the mail had been on the other rider’s horse, so the mail must go on. A big thank you to Lyle Ladner and Dean, Continue Reading

Schellbourne Re-Riders

FROM: Wendy Anderson, Schellbourne Re-riders
July 5th, 2015 PDT

Jim Hannah and Tony Zamora. It was dark, pitch black. The horses moved out carefully, watching all the shadows from vehicles in the front and in back of them. Their ride went well, then the next two riders headed out, and things went drastically wrong quickly. One rider came off and the horse disappeared into the dark morning. Luckily, the rider seemed to be okay, and the mail had been on the other rider’s horse, so the mail must go on. A big thank you to Lyle Ladner and Dean, Continue Reading

Nevada Re-Ride 2015

FROM: Ron Bell, President Nevada Division
July 4th, 2015 PDT

Steve Neilson picked me up at 7:00 am on Sunday June 21, 2015 to start our adventure at Ibapah, to pick up the mail from Utah. After a nice drive we arrived kind of in Ibapah found the trail marker but no people or horses. Steve and I drove around a bit to check out the hot spots in town, well we found slim pickings. The next move was to backtrack to check ranches with trailers, horses and people. I remember a statement that the ranch was about 2 miles, Continue Reading

Nevada Re-Ride 2015

FROM: Ron Bell President Nevada Division Pony Express
July 4th, 2015 PDT

Steve Neilson picked me up at 7:00 am on Sunday June 21, 2015 to start our adventure at Ibapah, to pick up the mail from Utah. After a nice drive we arrived kind of in Ibapah found the trail marker but no people or horses. Steve and I drove around a bit to check out the hot spots in town, well we found slim pickings. The next move was to backtrack to check ranches with trailers, horses and people. I remember a statement that the ranch was about 2 miles, Continue Reading