Re-Ride through Julesburg, CO

FROM: Paula Bath member/ rider CO division National Pony Express Association
June 8th, 2017 PDT

The Julesburg Chamber of Commerce held a BBQ at the Visitor Center for the community and the riders of the National Pony Express who will assist n carrying on the tradition of moving the mail horseback from St. Joseph, MO to Sacramento, CA.  They will ride non-stop for 10 days just as they did in 1860. Mochila transfer from horse to horse to carry on the mail. Mochila transfer and getting ready to ride Shelley Gerk getting ready ride Linda Dolezal, NPEA Colorado Division President, ready to ride CO division, Continue Reading

Report from Kansas by Jean Miller

FROM: Jean Miller
June 7th, 2017 PDT

June 6: Perfect morning for the ride! Temperature in mid 60’s, bright sky, light breeze. Pony Express Barn Museum in Marysville had a chuckwagon breakfast waiting. Good crowd was in attendance. June 6: Perfect morning for the ride! Temperature in mid 60’s, bright sky, light breeze. Pony Express Barn Museum in Marysville had a chuckwagon breakfast waiting. Good crowd was in attendance. Perfect morning for the ride! Mochila

Home station in Seneca KS

FROM: Leslie Kohake
June 6th, 2017 PDT

Home station in Seneca KS Home station in Seneca KS

St. Joseph and eastern Kansas

FROM: Annemiek Wortel
June 5th, 2017 PDT

Start of the 2017 Re-Ride. Riders Penny Orrick and Kristin King at the Patee House, St. Joseph, MO Kansas Riders Annemiek Wortel visiting from the Netherlands Kansas Re-Riders Kansas Re-Riders Kansas Re-Riders Doug Berkley Tyler Berkley Doug Berkley Tyler Roy Winkler Doug Berkley Tyler Berkley Doug Berkley Doug Berkley, Tyler, Mrs Striker, Dave Sanner Allan Pralli Lucy Heinen – Night Re-Rider Kansas In Seneca at the pony express trail museum In Seneca at the pony express trail museum Gathering and coffee and donuts to get us through the night, at, Continue Reading

Showcasing the Annual Re-Ride of the Pony Express National Historic Trail

FROM: Derek Nelson, National Trails Intermountain Region, National Park Service
June 5th, 2017 PDT

National Trails Intermountain Region (NTIR) is responsible for administering or co-administering 9 of the 19 national historic trails congressionally designated throughout the country. One of these trails, the Pony Express, has fascinated Americans since its first riders hit leather in April 1860, heading west from St. Joseph, Missouri, and east from San Francisco, California. This innovative overland mail service lasted only 19 months, but it created an immediate sensation and won a permanent place in the history of the American West. The legend of “the Pony,” as it was affectionately, Continue Reading


4H Youth Re-Rides History

FROM: Petra Keller, Nevada NPEA
July 3rd, 2016 PDT

I wanted to share the write up of Chloe Young, 4H Youth rider that shadowed me on the re-ride. One hundred and fifty-six years ago, when there were no railroads and the telegraph wasn’t yet invented, horses and their riders carried the public’s mail. From California to Missouri, these riders went back and forth with news. They were the Pony Express! Though the Express lasted only 18 months, it is one very important event in U.S. history. As of 1960, a re-ride of the pony express began. This year (2016), Continue Reading

My First Pony Express Re-Ride 2016

FROM: Karen Trotter-Melton, Cushing, Oklahoma
June 30th, 2016 PDT

Sabetha KS 2015 Went to Sabetha, to meet my great niece, Whitney. While visiting with her and her maternal family, I notice the Pony Express Race signs. I was, like, OMG, this is where, they ran the pony express race. After Goggling, the National Pony Express Race Association webpage, I contact Daniel with the Kansas Division, if I could ride for Kansas. After receiving, “If you are willing, to drive that far, from Cushing OK to Sabetha KS, we will give you three miles, at midnight. I said, “Great, I, Continue Reading

Berkley Riders in Elwood, Kansas

FROM: Susan Lousberg
June 25th, 2016 PDT

The Berkley riders arrived in Elwood, Kansas just as the last Kansas rider arrived to hand the Mochila off the the first Missouri rider, ahead of schedule at 2:30pm CDT. Bruce and Susan Lousberg and Matt and Joyce Holt drove 11 hours from North East Texas to ride with Doug and Tyler Berkley on the re-ride, it was well worth it! Here are Susan’s Photos.

Colorado Ride Info and BBQ Photos

FROM: Paula Bath, Colorado Divison
June 23rd, 2016 PDT

The Colorado division under CO director Linda Dolzal picked up the mail at Chappell, NE last night at 10:08 pm. Riders had a beautiful night ride and delivered the mail to NE at Big Springs 2:37 pm by my watch. The Chamber of Commerce held a BBQ for the riders and folks at the Julesburg, CO visitor center prior to the night’s ride. Western music was play by Rigg Leachman past Pony Express rider. Relaxing and enjoyable prelude to the transfer of the mochila at Chappell.

My 8th Pony Express Re-Ride

FROM: Carol Hunt, Schellbourne Re-riders
June 23rd, 2016 PDT

The weather wasn’t too friendly here in C/E Nevada for us to get on our “ponies” and get them conditioned, but finally a few days with no rain, the wind died down, and we brushed the dust off the horses and saddled up and we were off and running. My granddaughter, Nicole, a new horse owner of just a couple of months, but with a couple of years of riding experience and a love for horses (what teen girl doesn’t love horses?) wanted to ride “the Pony.” Daughter, Karen, and, Continue Reading