nv News | PRESS

Carsonnow.org — Pony Express Christmas Card Ride

Saturday 12/14/24 the Nevada Division of the Pony Express will leave Benson’s Feed with a mochila full of Christmas cards. The group will ride south to the main Post Office on Roop St……………   Read More….

nv News | PRESS

Nevada Appeal — The Pony Express rides again

The National Pony Express Association annual re-ride came through Churchill County June 25-26 making stops along the way which included Cold Springs Station, Sand Mountain and Fort Churchill.  Read more..

nv News | PRESS

FOX 11 Reno — Pony Express annual re-ride comes to Dayton, Carson City, Genoa

More than 150 years since the Pony Express was created, allowing people to send letters across the country, it was back in Carson City Wednesday for one of the…    Read more and see video..

nv News | PRESS

Carson Now — Pony Express makes its way through Carson City during annual re-ride

The Pony Express returned to the capital city Wednesday, making its annual re-ride across the West. 
This year, as an even-numbered year, the re-ride began in St. Joseph Missouri on June 17 and will continue east into California. The Pony Express entered Nevada early Monday morning and made its way through Carson City on Wednesday.  … Continued

nv News | PRESS

The Record Courier — Update: Pony Express re-ride on its way to Stateline

Pony Express Re-rider Kirk Muller rode 24-year-old Bud south on Jacks Valley into Genoa mounting up around 1:50 p.m. There was a long line of cars behind the rider on Jacks Valley Road as the Pony was escorted by Douglas County Citizens Patrol. The rider was running about 15 minutes early coming into Nevada’s first … Continued

nv News | PRESS

Nevada Appeal — Pony Express Re-Ride visits Carson City

The weather was hot, dry and windy Wednesday afternoon as a lone rider traveled South Curry Street heading to Jacks Valley for the annual Pony Express Re-Ride. That a Red Flag Warning for wildland fire had gone into effect seemed to heighten the western-era historical reenactment. “Each June, members of the National Pony Express Association … Continued

nv News | PRESS

Fox Reno — Pony Express annual re-ride comes to Dayton, Carson City, Genoa

CARSON CITY, Nev. — More than 150 years since the Pony Express was created, allowing people to send letters across the country, it was back in Carson City Wednesday for one of the final legs of this year’s annual re-ride.  Read more…

nv News | PRESS

Annual Pony Express re-ride to make stops at Fort Churchill, Carson City, Genoa and Tahoe

The annual Pony Express Re-ride, a re-enactment of the original Pony Express Route that spanned nearly 2,000 miles passing through what are now seven western states, returns to the Carson City area on Wednesday, June 26.   Read more..

nv News | PRESS


PUBLIC INVITED TO WITNESS EXCHANGES, PARTICIPATE IN RELATED ACTIVITIES AT FOLSOM HISTORY MUSEUM The National Pony Express is on the Historic Pony Express Trail once again, trekking from St. Joseph Missouri to Sacramento and Folsom will be one of its many stops along the way with three different riders making exchanges in the city limits … Continued

nv News | PRESS

Pony Express re-ride coming this week

The Pony Express Re-ride is scheduled to pass through Carson Valley on its way to Stateline Wednesday. The annual re-enactment of the Pony Express started Monday in St. Joseph, Mo., and rides west this year, arriving in Old Sacramento on Thursday.  Read more..