Sunset at Simpson Springs

FROM: Patsy Lange - Utah Trail Captain team 2
June 18th, 2019 PDT

little did I know last winter when I expressed to Mark Jenkins one of my trail Captains that I would like to assist him as a trail captain if he needed me. About two weeks before the re- ride, Mark’s horse stumbles and he ended up breaking his pelvic bone. the other trail captain at the last minute could not get off work this year so he could not assist. Since I had volunteered, guess what, tag – I’m it – the trail Captain this year! I gladly took the, Continue Reading

Sunset at Simpson Springs and the moon setting in the west desert

FROM: Patsy Lange
June 18th, 2019 PDT

Utah Riders

FROM: Jack Davis
June 18th, 2019 PDT

Thanks to HAM in Utah - 2019!

FROM: Cindy Furse
June 17th, 2019 PDT

A Pony Express trail report would not be complete without a picture of our awesome Ham radio support squad. All night, patiently driving a little ways behind the pony, their lights helped us miss the big potholes, and see the running jack rabbits! They let everyone know where the pony and mail are, AND just in case, they are our lifeline to quick help from outside. There is NO cell phone service in the desert, but there is Ham! Thank you to all of the Ham operators who support this, Continue Reading

Moonlight and Mustangs (Utah Team 2 -- Simpson Springs to Ibapah)

FROM: Cindy Furse
June 17th, 2019 PDT

  Words fail me. This (the big black) is Tesla, and he LOVES to run. Tesla, his buddy, Hawk (the tall appy), and I ran, yes ran, 12 miles, 6 legs last night. How can I explain the sheer time traveling magic of galloping galloping galloping through the Utah desert, on a fast horse drinking the wind, tears streaming down your cheeks, because yes it is fast, and the cool moon air burns a little…hooves and breath and heart pumping and mochila slapping in rhythm, effortlessly, effortlessly, effortlessly…. starting with, Continue Reading

This is the Place

FROM: Brady Homer
June 17th, 2019 PDT

Team #1 Utah down state street

FROM: brady homer
June 17th, 2019 PDT

Video Available 

Murray Park to Simpson

FROM: Patrick Hearty
June 17th, 2019 PDT

Utah team 3 was a little short handed, but everyone stepped up and we held our own, delivering the mochila at Simpson Springs right close to 9:30 P.M., just about an hour late. Can’t say enough thanks to Western Wyoming and Utah Team 1 for making up the hours. We had great weather, and a sunset as beautiful as anything the earth has to offer. Gregg Hearty carried the mochila for about 3/4 mile bareback, and Trever Carpenter was clocked as high as 35 mph. Otherwise, pretty smooth sailing. We, Continue Reading

Howdy!! Party Next Year

FROM: Myrna Mungo
June 16th, 2019 PDT

Not great pics….. But you guys are awesome! I did not know this was a thing. Saw your rider as I left work in Draper and then again walking my dog near the Saratoga Springs crossroads. I will be watching next year. It will be a party to cheer the rider on!  


June 16th, 2019 PDT

The central area of Wyoming got the mail through to Jeffery City. I loved being with all of the riders. We had some good riders this year. The girls this year were exceptional. Having Rick Alt did not hurt us either. It was fun for all of us. We reached Jeffery City by 6:00 A.M. Took a day to recoup but now I’m back to normal. Abbigail was Abbigail. I saved her for the highway and Martins Cove all in the dark. She gave me everything I asked for. “SPEED, Continue Reading