FROM: Ken & Randy Head
Brother Randy and I had a great time doing radio support following the ponies across California and Nevada. Ron Bell my friend it was good seeing you in Woodfords, (hope you are doing OK) and also meeting your son that’s a big boy you have there.
We caught the pony ar Cold Springs Station after a night’s rest. We had about 26 hours into the California leg and into Nevada then at Genoa we headed into Carson City to get a room. The next day at Cold Springs Station there was a beautiful and moving memorial for long time Nevada Pony Rider and past National President Dale Ryan — quite a gathering. The mail left Cold Springs on Hwy 50 East under the control of Petra Keller and after a few more handoffs it headed away from the highway over Basque Summit, following was Jeff and Sue Cauhape doing the radio communications duty. We headed to Eureka and Overland Pass to hookup with the Shellbourne
Riders. The hospitality and food was awesome! If you left hungry it was your own fault: ice cream in the dessert! You guys rock! You all surprise me every time. Overland Pass to Shellbourne Station a total opposite from last year, no snow, no mud this year, but the dust two feet at times you would have thought a BOMB had gone off in a baby powder factory at times total white out conditions, the ground like ice in some places trying to stay out of the ruts I couldn’t see the side of the trail thru the drivers windows and had to stop several times I think the windshield wipers polished out the mud scratches from last year. We finally got Ham Radio Communications the last leg of the journey from a station on Telegraph peak thank you for being there so sorry I can’t remember your call sign. It was good seeing Shellbourne Station it had been a long day and the end of the trail for my brother and I. The handoff was made, a tire was changed on Gene Ockert’s trailer the only casualty that I know of, and it was off to Ibapah — Gene and the Shellbourne riders.
Thanks again Nevada for the hospitality you are all great.
These two radio operators have been treated with nothing but Respect and Appreciation.
73’s to you all that’s Ham Radio talk for. Thank you, good thoughts, adios and happy trails see you on the other side till next year. Go Pony Go
Ken Head ham call KE6FTM
Randy Head ham call KE6REY