FROM: Diane Garland
June 15th, 2017 PST

Stephanie Buranzon, Cassidy LeGaux and I leapfrogged the remote 32 mile section between Schurz Highway and Fort Churchill in Nevada. Cassidy started out on Costa riding the first 3 miles after we received the mochilla at 3:15 am, running 15 minutes ahead of schedule. Stephanie on Cruzer then took over the next 3 miles, and I did the next riding Louie. We continued this way until the last 3 legs and Stephanie did 4 miles, and Cassidy and I split the last 7 miles at 3.5 Each. The darkness when we started was broken by a ¾ moon high in the southern sky.  It was enough for the horses to navigate well through the night. We had the HAM Radio operators following us for safety, but they stayed well behind, so not to bother the horses. The weather was cool but not cold, and the recent rain had knocked down some of the dust. The first half of the ride was fairly rocky, but we still made good time.  Once we crested the low ridge at about 5:30 am we felt the sun warming our backs as it peeked over the horizon. The second half of the trail smoothed out so we could maintain an easy gallop for most of the rest of the distance.  Cassidy had no problems crossing the Carson River bridge, her big warmblood steady as ever.  We used the rigs to slow the road traffic on the bridge. The muddy water was still raging from the record rains we had this winter and spring. Once across the bridge, she turned for the last mile and came in strong to Ft Churchill 43 minutes ahead of schedule.