FROM: Paula Bath member/ rider CO division National Pony Express Association June 8th, 2017 PST
The Julesburg Chamber of Commerce held a BBQ at the Visitor Center for the community and the riders of the National Pony Express who will assist n carrying on the tradition of moving the mail horseback from St. Joseph, MO to Sacramento, CA. They will ride non-stop for 10 days just as they did in 1860.
Mochila transfer from horse to horse to carry on the mail.
Mochila transfer and getting ready to ride
Shelley Gerk getting ready ride
Linda Dolezal, NPEA Colorado Division President, ready to ride
CO division rider Thomas helping ride Shelly get ready to carry the mail.
The moon (Colorado)
NE exchanging at Big Springs, NE
NPEA Colorado member Peggy at the BBQ sponsored by Julesburg Chamber of Commerce
Pony Epress statue at Julesburg
Chapell exchange, Paula Bath, Cheryl Nein, Peggy, Linda Dolezal, Lyle Gronewold (NE)
exchange from CO to NE and with Dean, National President, Linda, CO president, Cherly Nein member
NE rider mounting his horse and leaving with the mail.
transfer of the mochila from the CO division of the Pony Express to the NE division