FROM: Becky Kimber, Utah Division NPEA
June 16th, 2014 PST

I am from Utah and was with the division that picked up the mail at Ibapah. My ride was around 3:45 am about 8 miles from Simpson Spring.


Some of my most cherished memories have been watching my dad and later three of my boys and one of my daughters ride in the Pony Express Re-ride; then add a daughter-in-law, her dad, her three brothers and her sister-in-law, to my list of cherished memories. However, I have always wished I could be one of the riders. Every year I wondered if this would be the year that I would have the courage to do what I so longed to do. I have dreamed about it for fifteen years.


Today my dream came true! I rode in the The 2014 Pony Express Re-Ride. I now know how it really feels to actually be a link in that long chain of riders. I know how it feels to sit on the mochila instead of just watching as it is handed off. Nothing compares to actually being on the horse and feeling that connection with the horse, knowing you are on the same journey together. To be a rider changed everything for me. I see it as something bigger than just one horse and a rider. I will never see it the same. This is a blessed day!