wy News | PRESS

Pony Express Valentine card ride

HARTVILLE–Members of the Southeast Wyoming Pony Express Association will hold their annual Valentine Card Ride on Saturday, February 2, 2019. Riders will leave the Guernsey Post Office at 9 a.m. and plan to arrive in Hartville between 11 a.m. and noon. Read More …

npea News | PRESS

Lost Skills of the Pony Express

A Brief Chapter By the mid-1800s, the population of California had exploded. Residents were eager to correspond with connections back east, but communication required incredible patience; mail delivery took a month by boat or overland stage. By the late 1850s, a trio of enterprising freighting firm owners supported the idea of an express overland mail … Continued

ne News

‘Official’ Pony Express Christmas cards carried for mail distribution

GOTHENBURG, Neb. — Nearly 800 people will be getting a special delivery from days gone by, when they open their mail this Christmas season. Read More ….

ne News

High Plains Christmas brings traditions to the valley

GERING — Despite some wind and blowing snow, a large crowd showed up at Legacy of the Plains Museum Saturday to help celebrate a High Plains Christmas. Volunteers from the Scotts Bluff National Monument also joined in on a day of fun as the Village Players and the Highway 26 Gospel Group provided the Christmas … Continued

wy News

The Sweetwater County Pony Express will hold its 17th annual Christmas card ride on Saturday, December 8.

The Pony Express Saddles Up for the 17th Annual Christmas Card Ride

npea News

Pony Express stamps make splash in high-dollar collections

Pony Express stamps make splash in high-dollar collections Watch the Video

nv News | PRESS

Pony Express

In 1860 from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California the Pony Express could deliver a letter faster than ever before. Today the Pony Express National Historic Trail celebrates this achievement on the 50th anniversary of the trails.  Read more…

nv News | PRESS

Pony Express Celebration Planned in Fallon, NV

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nv News

Find Your Trail: Event to celebrate 50th anniversary of National Trails System

See the Pony Express in action at Fort Churchill State Historic Park in honor of the 50th anniversary of the National Trails System Act. Oct. 2 marks the 50th anniversary of the National Trails System Act and the Wild and Scenic River Act. The Bureau of Land Management, Carson City District, the National Pony Express … Continued

nv News

Pony Express to ride at Fort Churchill as part of 50th National Trails System celebration

SILVER SPRINGS, Nev. — See the Pony Express in action at Fort Churchill State Historic Park in honor of the 50th anniversary of the National Trails System Act. Oct. 2, 2018, marks the 50th anniversary of the National Trails System Act and the Wild and Scenic River Act. You are invited to join the Bureau … Continued