FROM: Trudy Wischropp
June 15th, 2015 PST

Here is a Twitter post I made about the NPEA coming through the Kennekuk area today.

Pony Express & Twitter

I tweeted about the Pony Express going through the area today.

Kind of an oxymoron, isn’t it?  Or maybe not?  Was the Pony Express the Twitter of our day?

Anywho….I loved seeing the riders change out horses.  Probably not as fast as they used to, but the riders are a little different than they used to be too.  The guy taking off and riding through Kennekuk today was almost 70, as he told the rider who came before him!

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The Pony Express has a special place in my heart because I’ve always lived within a mile of it’s route.  My Grandpa Jones placed a big boulder in the place where it crossed his land before getting to Kennekuk.  That was later moved and replaced with a commemorative post.


That’s Grandpa’s house in the background, just up the road from our house.

It’s pretty humbling when I think about all the people and history that has gone before us around this area.  But it also makes me proud to be a part of it.6a00e54ee637bc883401b7c79f1e71970b-320wi

Special thanks to the riders, the helpers, and the National Pony Express Association.  I know my grandpa would have gotten a kick out of seeing you come through. 🙂  Thanks for what you do!

Safe travels!